Digital penguin

Here’s the second in my now-famous Penguin series. This one’s from Loyal Reader Number One, created using Blender. Since it’s computer generated, there’s technically no photography involved here, but I’m letting it slide this time.

Tonight’s post is really late and really short for a Very Good Reason. We picked up Loyal Reader Number Four from the airport! Her flight was quite late, though, so it was a long evening. We agreed not to come into the terminal, and it turns out SFO doesn’t have a cell phone lot, like so many of your better airports have these days, and heaven forbid you should actually stop in front of the terminal for a couple of minutes, so we did a lot of circling around. Loyal Reader Number One steadfastly refused to run into anything, though, so it was all right. LRN4 had a nice time and we’re really glad she’s home now.

So it was a great day, all in all. Gotta go to bed. See you tomorrow.

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