Ellis hall


Here’s the main hall for immigrants on Ellis Island.  This is one the second story of the building.  They brought people in on the ground level, had them drop off their luggage and walk up the stairs and get in line.  They’d eventually make their way to the other end of the hall to those desks way down there, give their names, and – assuming they appeared healthy and sane – become Americans.  It’s a little more complex these days.  At least it’s a little more complex to become a legal American, anyway.  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at Ellis Island, and part of my famous Architecture series.

Not much new to report tonight, since I used the Wonders of WordPress in the early afternoon today to write yesterday’s post.  So I’ll keep this one brief too.

LRN4’s doing fine.

I’ve finally started making progress on the iOS app again today.  I’m slowly coming to understand Core Data and NSXMLParser, but it’s been a long road.  I’m feeling a whole lot better about my status tonight than I was this morning.  So there’s that.

Spoke with both my mom and dad yesterday.  It was good to talk with both of them, and they’re both apparently doing very well.  Also spoke with LRN23 this evening, which I always enjoy.  Along with several other family members, he’s been great about keeping in touch throughout LRN4’s illness.  I can’t tell you how much those phone calls mean to me, Loyal Readers.

We just finished watching [amazon asin=B000EHQU08&text=The Long, Long Trailer], a movie from 1954, starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.  It’s silly and corny, but we’ve loved that movie for years.  We got it from Netflix yesterday.  It’ll go back tomorrow, sadly.  Highly recommended, even for us Lucille Ball anti-fans.  She’s actually pretty good in it and she practically never whines.  And their car is beautiful!  I want one.  My birthday is less than 11 months away, Loyal Readers!

Time to flush PIC lines.  I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: glow-in-the-dark sheep!

See you tomorrow.

2 Responses to “Ellis hall”

  1. Shannon Says:

    You forgot to mention that we always watched that movie right at the beginning of camping season after we bought our long trailer, just to get us in the right frame of mind. Trailer brakes first!!

  2. Paul Says:

    One of the old movies that you guys always watched that I enjoyed too. Like Mom said, “Trailer brakes first!”.

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