Blacksmith shop
Wednesday, December 28th, 2005
Merry Christmas week! We’re in the Virginia mountains this week, so there won’t be the normal number of posts.
Here’s a seventeenth century blacksmith’s shop from Northern Ireland we visited this morning. At the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, Virginia, they have farmhouses, barns, and shops from seventeenth century Germany, England, and Ireland, as well as a mid-nineteenth century farm from Virginia. The intent is to show the conditions people left behind in Europe when they came to America, and what they had to look forward to here. It was a fascinating visit. The best part was that you’re welcome to look around nearly everywhere, pick things up, and generally act like you belong there. We walked up and down the stairs, rubbed our hands in front of the fireplaces, and got a real good look at the place and feel for how it really might have been.
On a sad note, we didn’t find an interesting vacation home to buy yesterday. Everything was either too expensive or (much more frequently) too disgusting. No loss, though, other than a little time. We’ll either look here again some other time or try somewhere else. No hurry. In the meantime, we need to fix up the travel trailer a little bit for the next few years’ vacations.
By the way, today’s pictures were taken today by Reader Number Two. Thanks, Mark! I have to show just one more: