Blacksmith tools
Friday, November 30th, 2007
Here’s the latest in my famous old-fashioned tools series. This was taken in the blacksmith shop at Greenfield Village.
No post yesterday, but this time I have a good reason – our internet service was out. It didn’t come back up until sometime this morning when I unplugged the modem, iBoss, and router for five minutes or so. Sigh.
It was my off Friday today and I enjoyed it. Didn’t do much, though. I slept in a little and then worked from home most of the morning. In the afternoon, Loyal Readers Numbers One and Four and I went to Kohl’s to spend the gift certificates they gave us on Black Friday. They were going to expire tomorrow, so we needed to get it done. We also set up the Christmas tree and put on most of the ornaments. We’ll finish up decorating the house tomorrow. Tonight, Loyal Reader Number Four and I are going to our panel discussion on parenting. Wish us luck. Although it might be quite anticlimactic, since I don’t know if anyone is planning to be in the audience.
Let’s see, what else? LRN1 is going to Daly City tonight to babysit Loyal Reader Number Twelve tomorrow while her parents are both at work. That’s right, Loyal Reader Number Six is starting a new job! He has been enjoying staying home with the baby, but I guess it looked like a good gig, so he’s trying it out. I’m not sure what they’re going to do for babysitting. But that’s their problem, isn’t it?
Time to get ready to go. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you on Monday.