Wednesday, January 31st, 2007
Now there’s the way a campfire ought to be. Nice and tall. This picture is from a few years ago, somewhere in the east. We sure loved all that green. But we sure didn’t love all that humidity.
Reason for yet another old camping picture: we’re finally planning a family campout. It’s not until April, but it will last the better part of a week. We’d love to go towards Yosemite and the mountains east of here, but it appears that everything worth visiting is snow-covered in April and thus uncampable. Instead, we’re looking into Big Sur and its surrounding area. Giant redwoods, the Pacific Ocean, and other such landscape stuff. Sounds great. We’ll hit Yosemite a little later in the year.l
Nothing else tonight. I didn’t have my church meeting today because it’s the fifth Wednesday, and we don’t meet on the fifth Wednesday, so there was no church meeting. I remembered this on my way to the meeting, of course, but I made the trip useful by gassing up. There was no time for blogging, though, because Loyal Reader Number Four wanted my opinion on campgrounds. If we’re going to go, we need to make a decision and get a reservation pronto, I suspect. Even though April is definitely not prime camping season around here, we’re talking about going during spring break week, so it may well be busy.
Didn’t feel well this afternoon and evening. It must be something I ate. So, I’m heading for bed. See you tomorrow.