Resort lagoon
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011Here’s the lagoon at the famous Coco Palms Resort on Kauai. The hotel was partially destroyed back in 1992 in a hurricane, but we were able to tour around it just a bit. Wish I’d been there when the hotel was still in business. It looks like it was quite a cool place. Elvis thought so too. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-4s-cam and part of my famous Vacation series.
Long, long, long time, no write. Life’s been good anyway.
Lots to talk about. Three days after my last post, my program was ended by our government customer. Very sad. My people are all looking around for their next assignments, and I certainly hope they all find something. Working hard to make it happen. I believe I have my next thing lined up – just have to wait for it to all fall into place. More information on that as it unfolds.
Less than three months before LRN1 comes home! I can’t believe it. The time has gone so quickly. I’m really looking forward to having him home. And I believe he’ll be with us for about two months before he heads back to school. Should be a good time for him to decompress.
LRN4 is sick. She’s had pretty serious cold symptoms for a few days now. Can’t sleep well, but needs to sleep. She has my pity.
Time for bed. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: highly-skilled hobo!
See you tomorrow.