Archive for April, 2010

Mayan statue

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Here’s LRN1 with a statue in a museum somewhere in Guatemala. I presume it’s Mayan. That’s LRN1 over there on the left. Great Art courtesy of LRN1’s fellow missionary and part of my famous Statue series. UPDATE: Also part of my now-famous Guatemala series.

The weekend has begun! I worked moderately hard this week and expect to work much harder this weekend. There’s tons to do. I need to replace the front brakes on my beloved Honda – they’ve been squealing, which I believe means they need to be replaced. It has over 52,000 miles on it now, so that’s not surprising. What is surprising is that it’s still on its original tires. Not much longer, though, I fear. Need to start saving my money. Those Michelin Pilots get expensive. And nothing but the best will suffice for me, of course.

Also need to fill a couple of cars, wash one, and . . . ummm . . . Oh, man – I had a whole list of things in my mind. Can’t remember any of them. They’ll come to me, though.

LRN4 continues to enjoy her trip to Utah. I miss her more each day. Only four more days until she’s home!

And I’ll leave you with this shocking food violence news: legislative egg toss!

See you tomorrow.

Major award

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Here’s LRN2 right after he received a Major Award at a school-related function Monday night. It’s the major reason there was no post yesterday. It was a moderately nice event, as school functions go, and I’m proud of his accomplishment. LRN2’s the tall male in the white shirt standing in the middle of all the girls. Not an entirely bad place to be. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam.

No post Friday either. I was busy. LRN4 and I went to my work dinner/dance. It was an elegant event and we had a very nice time. The band was good but they got a bit loud for us (call me old fashioned, but I want to be able to talk at events like that one) and we went home. Still thoroughly enjoyed it and we’re glad we went. I won our table’s centerpiece, which is a very nice floral arrangement. It’s downstairs on the kitchen table as I write this.

LRN4’s enjoying her week-long visit with her brother’s family and father so far. I’m expecting to hear from her shortly for our nightly call. I miss her.

Had a meeting scheduled for five of our people, including me, at our Air Force base for tomorrow, but events happened, so we’re rescheduled for Thursday of next week. That’ll be better for me anyway – I hate to leave LRN2 completely alone. The house gets lonesome. Either that, or he might have way too much fun. Call the party off, LRN2!

We got our weekly emails from LRN1 yesterday. He’s doing great and working hard. He’s feeling successful and happy. Couldn’t hope for more than that.

LRN5 and LRN12 were over for the weekend. LRN12 is such a cutie. A little too strong-headed for her own good (or anybody else’s, for that matter) these days, but cute. She’s exploring her limits right now and completely exasperating her mom, but this phase will end soon enough. Then she’ll be on to the next challenge. For now, I’m enjoying the heck out of her. Did I mention how cute she is?

And that’s about all the news tonight. I’ll leave you with this exciting toilet news: stick ’em up!

See you tomorrow.

Drill press

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Here’s something I’d love to have – a Model T-era drill press. Great Art taken on Christmas Eve at the Sacramento automotive museum and part of both my famous Workbench and Machinery series.

Another Extreme Short Shrift evening. My brother-in-law Ken was here this evening for dinner, which was a treat, as always. He’s heading back for Las Vegas tomorrow morning.

LRN2 went to work with me today, as planned. We didn’t do a whole lot of the activities they had – pretty much just went to meetings and did normal work stuff. The one fun thing we did do was fly an airplane simulator. It was just like Flight Simulator software, but there was a simulated airplane cockpit. LRN2 thought that was cool and so did I.

Otherwise, a normal day. It was fairly sunny again after a couple of rainy days, which was nice. Should be sunny and warm for the next five days or so, after which we’re expecting rain again. It’s been an interesting spring around here – much more frequent rain than we’ve become used to. Can’t complain about it, though.

And I’ll leave you with this surprisingly good food news: chocolate saves!

See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Here’s LRN2 with another cool character on the carousel at Great America. Part of both my famous Statue and Machinery series.

Extreme Short Shrift again tonight. I let it get a little late again. Had to write some emails to ward young men presidents and a few other people. Also spent some time lounging about. Very nice.

I don’t appear to have mentioned my dental checkup yesterday. Can’t imagine how I could have left that out. No cavities! And the hygienist told me I had absolutely no tartar. I’m chalking it up to clean living, a healthy outlook, and the help of my friends. Also my electric toothbrush.

Today was my little baby brother Chris’s 49th birthday. Happy birthday, non-Loyal-Reader brother!

And I’ll leave you with this shocking accidental food violence news: Winnie the Pooh lives!

See you tomorrow.


Monday, April 19th, 2010

Here’s LRN2 after this weekend’s organ recital, at which he received the check for his official organ scholarship. Well done, LRN2! He really loves being an organist – I think it’s the power of the instrument. It’s a pretty cool thing. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam. Part of my famous Machinery series (the organ, not the Loyal Reader).

Missed a post or two again. I was busy. Had a nice weekend and did lots of things. I got my car washed at the car wash and LRN2 washed and waxed the Miata by hand. It looks great. Also finally got the pool and pond filters cleaned. Yeepers – they were dirty. Also got a bit of garage straightening out done. Lots more to go, but it’s nice to get started.

Got LRN1’s first email from the actual mission field. He’s in a little town north of Guatemala City called colonia San Luis. He reports there are no maps, no street names, and no house numbers. Must make it confusing for the mailman. Anyway, he’s having a wonderful time and adjusting quite well. Had a brief brush with some bad water right after he got there, but that should have no long-lasting effects. Hopefully.

Anyway. I want to get to bed a bit early tonight, so I’m off. I’ll leave you with this disturbing food violence news: weaponized chili!

See you tomorrow.