Archive for August, 2012

Stuccoed house

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Here’s yet another picture of the new house in Las Vegas.  Now featuring stucco!  It’s kind of amazing how quickly it’s coming together.  Low-resolution Great Art courtesy of Colin the House Salesman and part of my famous Las Vegas series.

Speaking of the house, we’re scheduled to walk through it on the 19th of September and then pick up the keys on the 24th.  That’s less than a month from now!  There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’m starting to believe they’re going to make it on time.

LRN4 is planning to be there for all the fun.  Sadly, I’ll be here working.  I really want to see the place.  On the other hand, she’s planning to paint the whole interior in the first couple of days after she picks up the keys.  So I’ll just have to enjoy it from afar and wish her all the best as she turns herself into a painting machine.  Easier to do it without either our furniture there and without me there, from everything I’ve heard.

We had a great visit with LRN1 and LRN2 the past couple of weeks.  They’re both looking and doing very well indeed.  They went hom eon Friday and I miss them already.

However, in order to try to alleviate our sadness, LRN3 and LRN15 are coming this Wednesday!  Or maybe Thursday.  They’ll be here through the weekend, after which we celebrate Labor Day quietly at home.  Then I work two days and we go on our East Coast cruise.  Then we get home and LRN4 leaves for Las Vegas just a couple of days later.  Busy few weeks.

But until then, I’ll be working, eating, and sleeping.  And loving it.

LRN4 has been busy with the Groupon folks lately.  She got us a stay at a nice Bed & Breakfast in Bensalem in October.  Sounds like fun!  She also got me a shiny new [amazon asin=B006LQHPAK&text=iPhone-controlled helicopter]!  It should be here in a couple of weeks!  It’s no [amazon asin=B007HZLLOK&text=Parrot], but I’m excited to try it out.  I’ll let you know what I think.

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: hijacked forklift sandwich theft!

See you tomorrow.

Vegas indoors

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Here’s the first peek at the inside of our new house in Las Vegas!  The view is through the front door and shows the front door, “great” room (I’m not sure what’s so great about it, but we’ll see), dining room, back door, and backyard wall.  Lots of progress.  We’re supposed to be about six weeks away from owning it.  I’m hoping that green sticker on the window there isn’t a notice telling the builder to tear the whole thing down and start over.  Astute observers will notice the chicken wire coating on the outside.  That’s a sure sign that stucco is just around the corner.  Not to mention the scaffolding there in the foreground.  Great Art courtesy of Jud the Real Estate Guy and part of my famous Las Vegas series.

Lots going on.  LRN2 is here!  He got here Saturday afternoon.  We’re having a nice visit.  He and LRN4 are heading to Longwood Gardens tomorrow, going to the local Grange Fair on Wednesday, and hanging around by the pool on Thursday.  Since I’m off on Friday, we’re all going to see the world-famous Hessian Barracks and possibly Pennsbury Manor that day.  On Saturday, LRN2 is off to visit LRN3 and LRN15 for a few days.

LRN1, in the meantime, is at Cocoa Camp.  I’m just glad he has a chance to go to camp this summer.  He got there last night and is staying through Saturday.  Then he’s going to LRN5’s house for a brief visit and coming here on Monday evening.  LRN2 gets back on Tuesday, so there will be a bit of an overlap.  Then they both head back to school on Friday the 24th.  Boo hoo!  That’ll have to be enough for a while.

LRN4 and I will be all alone from Saturday morning through Monday evening.  Not that that’s a bad thing either.

Pretty much everything else is going along as usual.  Working, sleeping, and eating.  Lying around a bit too.  I can’t complain.

We went to the pool/jacuzzi this evening.  Always a relaxing thing.  The pool water here is nice and warm – just like I had hoped it would be in my own personal pool in Lardville.  Which it never was.  Well, it was usually comfortable for about a week or two in August.  I imagine it feels pretty good right about now, in fact.  Sigh.

We’ve had a bit more trouble with lightning.  As my astute Loyal Readers will recall, a lightning strike did very heavy damage a few weeks ago to one of the buildings in our complex here.  I’ll have to post a picture.  Anyway, compounding that disaster, another lightning strike appears to have killed an old router I was using as an internet switch, an old switch I was using as an internet switch, and the ethernet port on my beloved Apple TV.  Yikes!  I use another old router to replace one of the switches and had to buy a [amazon asin=B004TLIVB6&text=new switch] to replace the other.  It’s a pretty decent (and pretty cheap!) Linksys/Cisco.  Sleek!  Highly recommended.  Buy it through my link!  Do it now!  Do it!  You will obey me.

And that’s about it for today.  I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news:  cupcake assault!

See you tomorrow.