New machine


Here’s my new MacBook Pro booting up for the first time.  Look at that beautiful retina-display goodness!  Not the best Great Art, but a really cool computer.  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at our apartment here in the Village at the City of Hope, and part of my famous Machinery series.

No post yesterday.  The internet was completely dead.  So sad.  And so sorry, Loyal Readers.  I’m sure you were worried about us.  Don’t worry, we weren’t in Simi Valley.

But we did have a nice Fourth.  The day was fairly normal – we both spent a lot of time working.  More about that later.  But we did have a pleasant, patriotic evening.  At about 8:30, we drove three miles over to Monrovia for their 9:00 fireworks show.  Found a parking lot a couple blocks away from the park.  When we parked the car, we noticed a couple of families sitting on the berm between the lot and the street.  Asked them if they’d seen the show from there before and if it was a good vantage point.  They answered in the affirmative.  We parked ourselves on the lawn.  The view was pretty good from there.  Not perfect, but pretty good.  It kept LRN4 away from crowds and got us out of the apartment, so it was a pretty good night.  Plus, we definitely beat the traffic getting out of there.

There were other fireworks shows visible during the drive back, and neighbors of the hospital were shooting off a few very impressive fireworks shows of their own.  We stood outside in the warm, beautiful night air and enjoyed the show just a little bit longer.  Then, inside and to bed.

LRN4’s feeling pretty good.  Her sore toe seems to be continuing to improve.  Her numb feet are still numb, but she reports less pain than before.  Every little improvement is something to celebrate.  Other than those things, she’s doing great.  She’s stronger, healthier, and better in every way than she was yesterday.

My iOS app is progressing fairly well.  Sadly, it’s not in the state I had hoped for by today – not by a longshot, actually – but there’s good progress and I’m pressing forward to completion.  I’m estimating a one-week slip in the completion date, which still means it’ll be released on or near the first of August.  Got to get it to market before school starts in the fall.

And I can’t believe we’re just a little bit more than a month away from school starting again.  They have no business starting until the day after Labor Day.  Period.  Kids need a three-month summer vacation.  We got it and we owe it to them too.  That’s my completely unanimous opinion.  My Loyal Readers are welcome to opinions of their own, but not on this subject.

Anyway.  Started reading a biography of Theodore Roosevelt, titled [amazon asin=B004DEPH3E&text=The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt].  Quite an interesting character – and in many ways an amazing man.  I’m beginning to see why they thought he deserved a place on Mount Rushmore.  Apparently, this is the first of three books on Roosevelt’s life by the author.  This one covers his birth through his assumption of the presidency.  I can’t wait to finish it and move on to the next one.  Even though I’m less than 10% into it, I’m tentatively recommending the book.

And it’s already time for bed, so I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: ice cream assault!

See you on Monday.

2 Responses to “New machine”

  1. Sandy Says:

    Here in Michigan it is law that school cannot start until the day after Labor Day. So Michigan agrees with you!

  2. Shannon Says:

    What a waste of ice cream!

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