Alligator cake
Here’s LRN12 with her fourth birthday cake, courtesy of LRN4. Pretty fancy, that. In fact, it’s so good that I’m declaring it a part of my famous Statue series.
No post yesterday, even after I committed on Tuesday to post every day. Oops. Got busy doing nothing useful last night.
Good week so far. I haven’t really accomplished anything useful on my upcoming iPhone app, although I did find a couple of things that won’t work. That’s progress, in an very Edisonian way. I’m still looking for a place my app can go on the interwebs to get a constant flow of English text. I’ve tried the public Twitter feed (excellent format, too much non-English, too much gibberish, and too much profanity) and a random Wikipedia page generator (too many links, but I might be able to make it work anyway). Any other ideas, Loyal Readers? The text has to be constantly available and always different.
LRN4 is making great progress on her website, and it’s now ready for public consumption. It’s called Shannon’s Book Nook and it’s for parents/grandparents/others who want to read with their children. She’s recommending excellent books (just picture books so far, but she’s planning to branch out to books for older kids too) and providing fun, simple activities related to each book for a little bit of education and a lot of fun. Highly recommended. Go have a look. I command you.
Well, I just discovered I already plugged LRN4’s website in my last post. Doesn’t make any difference. Go there again.
I’ve been watching old Get Smart TV shows on the train when I have nothing better to do (or when I don’t feel like doing anything better). Great fun. I was watching them on my computer, but realized it might be a bit easier to use my iPad for that, so I loaded a bunch of shows on it and I’ve really been enjoying them. I have lots of them. Plus a bunch of F Troops and Hogan’s Heroes. And some other stuff too. I have no shortage of entertainment.
Speaking of which, I don’t know if I mentioned an interesting little E-book I’ve been reading. It’s called Safecracking for Computer Scientists. The premise is that they teach you how safes are protected against thieves and how thieves try to overcome the defenses, with the idea that there are analogies in how you protect software/websites against hackers. One of the things I’ve learned (that I probably already knew, come to think of it) is that there is no such thing as a burglar-proof safe. Safes are rated only by how long it should take a competent professional safecracker to get into them. There’s also the question of whether evidence of the break-in is left. There truly are very interesting analogies to software security design. I’d kind of like to become a safecracking software security expert. Maybe some day. There are so many things I would like to do. Did I mention I’d like to become a rich, successful iPhone developer? Emphasis on the rich.
Anyway. Let’s see what else is going on. Oh, LRN12 is coming for the weekend. She arrives tomorrow, and we’re excited to have her over. LRN4 has plenty of book-related activities to test out on her (she doesn’t realize she’s being used as a human guinea pig – bwaa ha ha!) and we just love to have her around. It’s pretty quiet with just the two of us around here. Not that that’s a bad thing, of course.
LRN2 is doing pretty well at school. He’s getting much better at taking care of himself, which is a skill we all need to learn at some point. I knew he’d do fine, and he is!
I’ve decided to go back to Salt Lake City at the end of March. The church is having a developers’ conference the two days before general conference. Our project will be discussed in detail and we’ll be recruiting new team members, which we can always use. Have all my Loyal Readers with iOS devices downloaded our project? It’s called LDS Tools and can be found on the App Store. Absolutely free. Try it out. I command you.
Time for dessert and bed. It’s still way early, but we’ve been getting to bed much too late all week, and I’m exhausted. So we’re going to bed earlier tonight. Oh boy!
So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: stinky chicken bomb!
See you tomorrow.
February 11th, 2011 at 10:07 am
The meat packers of America want us to know: They’re serious. Oh so serious.