Automotive hammers
Here’s a wall full of automotive hammers. I want to know what that long, skinny one is for. Certainly no car I’ve ever owned.
Juggernaut update: I’m up to $14.78. I’m not sure whether that’s an improvement over the last time I looked. Click, Loyal Readers, click like the wind! And buy my sponsors’ products.
No post yesterday. Tuesday evening meetings went quite late and I was quite sleepy. Oh, the suffering my Loyal Readers put up with.
Extreme Short Shrift yet again tonight, too. My brother-in-law Ken was here on one of his periodic work-related visits. We had a nice time visiting and were delighted to see him. He’s always nice to visit with.
Otherwise, normal day. I spent it in meetings. Pretty much exclusively. I meet so my people don’t have to. The sacrifices I make for big-time engineering.
So I’ll leave you with this new, exciting job opportunity: shoving monkey. Stay out of court, though.
See you tomorrow.
September 23rd, 2009 at 10:09 pm
I think this counts as food violence. The monkey pushed the woman off a cliff to get her food, for pity's sake. This is much worse than a sucker-punch for a sandwich.
September 24th, 2009 at 3:56 pm
I have to agree with Andy. It's definitely food violence.
September 24th, 2009 at 8:51 pm
I agree too. Henceforth, the Shoving Monkey report will be considered Official Morrowlife Blog Food Violence news.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.