Baby statue
Here’s a seasonally-appropriate statue – Baby Jesus and his mother. Maybe a bit less festive than other Christmas-themed statues, but appropriate nonetheless. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at Bryn Athyn, and part of my famous Statue series.
Merry Christmas! We had a very nice, quiet day here at home. Slept in (I love having older kids!), had a nice breakfast, exchanged some gifts, and just kind of lazed around the rest of the day. I received a nice [amazon asin=B0042Z55RM&text=3 terabyte hard drive] to replace my prematurely dying [amazon asin=B001FWCB7C&text=Seagate] 1.5 TB drive (it has the dreaded click of death – a very common problem for this particular drive; Seagate, you’re on my naughty list!). There were about 500 GB of data on the old drive. I tried just dragging everything from one drive to the other, but it died pretty quickly and started death-clicking profusely. Did a little online reading and turned the drive on its side and turned my fan on it and it stopped clicking after a few minutes – for me, the problem appears to be heat-related. Still won’t copy everything at once, though, so I’m doing it a folder at a time. It has taken me the better part of the day, but I’m optimistic I’ll get everything copied before the drive dies. Then I’ll erase the old drive and use it for hideous disk-drive-related experiments until it’s completely dead. That’s just how I roll.
I also received a neat0 new [amazon asin=B004OA6VZ0&text=iHome alarm clock] from LRN1. It has all the cool features of my old [amazon asin=B0026P3CHA&text=Memorex] alarm clock (alarms stay set every day, remote control, etc.) but without the Memorex’s short lifespan. I love it! It will work with my iPhone or my iPad, which is cool. The sound is way better than the one it replaced (also an [amazon asin=B004I8WH7O&text=iHome], but an older one) and it’s just generally spiffy. Much appreciated.
Also received some nice new clothes. I’m wearing my new [amazon asin=B009L7ZU4Y&text=flannel shirt] right now, in fact. Also received some [amazon asin=B00A9MYSR0&text=ties], some [amazon asin=B000NZ5QG0&text=tools], some gift cards, and a few other nice little things. Also received a great new [amazon asin=B009H8JOZS&text=television], which I’ve been using for a few days.
All in all, a nice Christmas. I hope the same applies to all of my Loyal Readers.
LRN3 and LRN15 arrive tomorrow. A great week is shaping up!
And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: goat-riding monkey!
See you tomorrow.
January 4th, 2013 at 4:39 pm
The monkey seems like a perfect rider for the goat. They work well as a team. Go Monkey and Goat!