Corn maze
Here’s LRN4 at the end of the corn maze we visited several days ago. That map looks a little bit complex, but it was further complicated by the fact that you had to find all ten pieces of it in mailboxes throughout the maze. There were all kinds of other things to find too – they had answers to the crossword puzzle you see there, along with cornfield trivia and a few other fun things. I’ve seen more technically well-done mazes, but this one was fun, what with all the extra things to find and do. Recommended. Although it’s too late this year. And we won’t be here next year. But still recommended. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Hiking series.
We have a new Loyal Reader! It’s been a long time. LRN3 informed me that his friend Chris (not to be confused with LRN23, who is my brother, I think) (that is, I know he’s my brother, but I think my brother is the person who I previously identified as LRN23) has been reading the blog. I have no idea why he’s reading, but I’m delighted he is! Welcome, LRN30! Leave a comment! That’s a big milestone for the blog. At this rate, we’ll be at 50 readers within three or four more years.
Anyway. We weathered Hurricane Sandy last night just fine. No real impacts here – the lights flickered several times but never went out, the rain was steady but never hard, and the winds were high but never destructive. They were destructive at my office, though – I counted somewhere between 25 and 30 [amazon asin=B0052EL9YU&text=trees] either knocked completely down or broken in half. That’s a lot of trees on one campus. The office was closed all day yesterday and this morning. Schools were closed both days. Everything should be pretty much back to normal by tomorrow, except for the people still without power, of which there are apparently a lot. Things should get back to normal for them within a few more days. Hopefully!
In other news, LRN4 and I are going back to [amazon asin=B001LU1SFO&text=Hawaii] next March! We’re going on the same ship and to the same places we went during our 2011 cruise, but I really enjoyed that one and expect to enjoy this one just as much. And our (non-Loyal-Reader but very good anyway) friends Doug and Connie are coming too. We’re excited about that. By that time, we hope to be firmly ensconced in our house in Las Vegas, so it’ll be especially nice to be with Doug and Connie. We’ve cruised with them twice before (Alaska and Mexico) and enjoyed both times. Lots of time left before we sail, but it’ll be on us before we know it. I hear March is a good time of year to go to Hawaii. I’m pretty sure any month is a good time of year to go to Hawaii, though.
Version 2.0 of my Morse Trainer app was released this past week, and there have already been over 400 upgrades! That means that people are not only downloading my app, but some of them are actually keeping it on their iDevices! I couldn’t be more delighted. Well, I guess I actually could be more delighted: there could be thousands of people using it and they could have paid me for it. But other than that, I’m absolutely delighted.
And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: tofu explosion!
See you tomorrow.
October 31st, 2012 at 4:17 pm
So I’ve been numbered, have I? This brings to mind my favorite quote from Patrick McGoohan’s old tv show, “The Prisoner”. “I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered!”
In all seriousness, I’m honored to be your 30th LRN! I told LRN3 that any man who loves “Sledge Hammer” is a man with a blog worth reading.
November 4th, 2012 at 7:52 pm
That’s some powerful tofu!