Denver Art
Here’s yet another instance of Great Art in the blog’s Great Art section. This particular instance is in Andy’s apartment building in Denver. I’m not quite sure what it is, but I like it. A lot. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken during one of my recent trips to Denver, and part of my Art and Vacation series.
Lots of stuff has been happening this month. Let’s take a look, shall we?
I spent last week in Orlando at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ annual conference. We had a booth at the expo Wednesday through Friday, and John spoke at the forensic odontology session on Tuesday. Our software had a few very nice mentions, we had several nice visits at our booth, and we achieved our goals, I believe.
One of our goals was to take over development of a crucial piece of forensic odontology software. We asked for it and we got it! We’re going to upgrade it to web-based form and give that version away. We’ll also roll it into PhotoDoc and hope to attract some more users.
Next year’s AAFS conference location: Las Vegas. Convenient!
Since I was going to Orlando, I decided to tack on a few days at the beginning and the end and do a bit of vacationing. I was already staying with Tony, and Chris lives close by, so there was plenty of company. Joanne came with me the first weekend. We had a great time. We went to Disneyworld on Saturday. The crowds were unbelievable! Turns out it was Presidents’ Day weekend and there were a few more visitors than they might have had on a normal day. Other than barely being able to move, we enjoyed it. Luckily, I didn’t need to swing any cats.
Sunday we went to NASA. It was fun being there again and I really enjoyed showing Joanne around. The crowds were smaller by quite a bit and their displays were much more developed than the last time is was in the visitors’ center.
The weekend after the conference, Chris, Tony, and I went to Universal Studios on Saturday and a neat place called Bok Tower Gardens on Sunday. Universal was a bit more crowded than usual because they were having a Kelly Clarkson concert that evening. We had a great time anyway. As everybody seems to say, the Harry Potter ride was very well done and quite entertaining. I also quite enjoyed Revenge of the Mummy. Highly recommended.
Joanne has decided to sell her house! It went onto the market shortly after I got home and it sold immediately! The appraiser was there today, the earnest money was just deposited, and things are moving quickly toward a closing date in just a few weeks. She’s kind of sorry to let the place go, but I think she’s just about ready to live a bit smaller.
Of course, she can’t have all those kids with her after she downsizes. Desi and Andrea are in Texas helping Andrea’s sick mom and they’ve decided to stay there indefinitely. Ryan’s going to live with his dad in the Bay Area. I don’t know what Tina’s plans and schedule are, but they seem to be in flux. Corey’s staying with his mom when she moves.
We’re cutting back on nights out for a while so Joanne has the time to pack stuff up, find her next place, sell stuff she doesn’t want, and get her house ready for someone else to move into it.
I bought tickets tonight for the Clark County fair and rodeo in April. We’re excited to go. We went to a rodeo in Wyoming some years ago and I’m looking forward to seeing another.
And that’s it for today. Time to sleep. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: massive maple syrup spill!
See you tomorrow.
February 26th, 2015 at 6:52 am
Typo at the beginning of the paragraph about Joanne’s kids.
February 26th, 2015 at 7:14 am
Fixed. Thanks!
February 26th, 2015 at 10:11 am
i think it’s a Pygmalion, congratulations on your conference. we cant wit to see you guys in March we’ll have to walk to some of the North Beach galleries so you can show off that exclusive camera to the natives.