Fishing dog

Here’s the Loyal Pet apparently doing a little fishing. She didn’t catch anything. Didn’t even see anything. Photo taken at Big Sur.

Speaking of camping, we’re heading back into the wilds this weekend. Loyal Readers Numbers One and Two are coming to work with me on Thursday for Take Your Kids to Work Day, or Young Minds at Work, as we call it for some reason, possibly involving the fact that it’s too hard to figure out who is whose kid these days so they’ve given up trying.

Anyway, we’re planning to finish up a little early that day. After we get home, we’re heading out to Caswell State Park, which is less than half an hour from our house. We’ll be coming home on Saturday. We’ve never been to the park, but Loyal Reader Number Four wants to go check it out, since she’ll be taking her Girl’s Camp group there a month or so later. So we get to go this weekend.

No post Friday. We went to the Boy Scout spaghetti dinner and I never got to it afterwards.

Not that I didn’t have plenty of opportunity – it was my off Friday and I was actually home! And I only worked about two hours! How unusual!

So what did I do on Friday (and Saturday (and Sunday))? Well, let’s see. Loyal Readers Numbers Five, Six, and Twelve came over and spent the day Friday. They even stayed the night and went home on Saturday morning. We were glad to see them, and were pleasantly surprised to see LRN6, as we thought he had some work to get done at home. It was a nice visit.

I bought and installed a new coolant overflow tank on the Sable. The coolant level sensor had failed, and it’s a permanently installed part of the tank, so I did what I had to do. Both Loyal Reader Number Four and I are quite relieved to have that little job done – the light and bell had gotten to be quite an annoyance.

LRN6 and I also tried to replace the headrest speakers on the Miata (finally!). Sadly, the very nice – and very nicely priced – speakers we bought really didn’t fit and I wasn’t willing to make the modifications needed to make them fit. So I returned them and ordered some properly sized new ones online. I hope they arrive sometime this week. And maybe I’ll get them installed Saturday afternoon after the camping trip!

Let’s see, what else? Oh, LRN4 and I went to Costco and bought a new palm tree. This one is roughly eight feet tall and is now safely planted behind the pool. I believe that’s exactly what that spot needed. We also worked on the drip system for the garden in the back yard.

Oh, and we bought and I installed a new ceiling fan for the family room.

So it was a fairly busy weekend. Sunday was the usual – more meetings than would be consistent with a truly restful day, but not bad.

Oh, and I called Loyal Reader Number Twenty Three yesterday – it was his birthday. Happy birthday, LRN23!

And that brings us up to date. Time for Home Evening. See you tomorrow.

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