Floating trees


Here are some floating trees, all decorated for Christmas.  Extremely grainy Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken well after dark at Longwood Gardens on a snowy Christmas Eve 2012, and part of my famous Garden series.

I think those three Christmas trees there on the left might not be real trees after all, now that I look a little more closely.  As I recall, there are no pine trees normally growing on boards floating out in the middle of that pond.  But oh how beautiful that place is at Christmas.  We went there for our annual Christmas Eve outing last year.  It was cool and brisk when we got there shortly before dark.  We walked around the grounds for a while, watched the model trains running, walked through the lovely old bell tower, and bought a cup of delicious hot chocolate before going inside the conservatory for the amazing Christmas displays there.  When we got back outside, the sun had gone down and it was snowing fairly hard.  We walked around the grounds a bit and enjoyed the numerous illuminated trees and other decorations as they were gradually covered with a light coating of snow.  It was – to overuse a phrase – magical.  The perfect Christmas Eve.  The snow didn’t affect our drive home, ending the night just perfectly.  To top it off, we had LRN1 and LRN2 with us for the holidays.  Perfect.

LRN3 and LRN15 came a little bit later in the week, as we recall, making it an even more perfect week.  All we were missing was LRN5 and her family.  We got with them a few weeks later, though, so we were okay.

Had a very good day today.  LRN4 had her fifth chemo infusion this afternoon and we otherwise pretty much relaxed all day.  She’s still feeling very well and doing very well.  Also looking very well.  Things are clicking right along.

Instead of working on my job, I spent a bunch of time today making a video.  I found a bunch of pictures of LRN4 – all the pictures in my iPhoto library that include her, in fact – and generated a slideshow with some music.  It was very cathartic.  It’s about 800 MB in size, so I’m not posting it online right now, but if any Loyal Readers are interested in seeing a lot of pictures of LRN4 in various places with various family members, let me know and I’ll burn you a DVD.  There are lots of cute pictures of our kids too.

Sadly, I only have digital photos from the time we lived in Virginia and after.  We have lots of photos and slides from before then.  After we get home, I need to digitize them all.  That will be a real treasure.  Then maybe I can make an even longer slideshow!

How I love my family.  How I love my children.  How I love my wife.  This video will be a treasure to me forever.  Much more importantly, the memories represented by this video are the real treasure.  That treasure I’ll carry with me forever.

Had a nice long chat this evening with LRN23.  He’s been calling me on a very regular basis since this whole mess started nearly six months ago, for which I will always be deeply grateful.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that and the many other phone calls, emails, texts, blog comments, and visits we’ve received.  They truly make us feel loved.  Thank you, Loyal Readers!

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: balcony-dwelling performing donkey!

See you tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Floating trees”

  1. Shannon Says:

    I can’t believe they want the donkey INside the building! And, indeed, Christmas in Longwood Gardens is pretty amazing. We had such a fun time that day.

  2. Candance Melville Says:

    Love the floating Christmas trees!
    Please burn one of the DVD’s for me. It does sound like a treasure!

  3. Paul Says:

    Count me in for a copy of the video! Love you both!

  4. Sandy Says:

    I would like a copy of the DVD if it isn’t too much trouble!!

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