Forest Service
Here’s . . . ummm . . . . a US Forest Service . . . ummm . . . thing. I do know it goes on railroad tracks. I have no idea what else it does. I’m assuming it’s just supposed to transport a person or two, but I’m not sure I see how. Or where those people would sit. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Machinery series.
Greetings from the train! I finished a few emails, indexed a hundred names, updated my to-do list for the weekend – all while listening to Jesus the Christ – and watched a little bit of my iPhone class, and now it’s time to blog a bit. I only have a bit more than ten minutes before we pull in to Lardville, and writing on my beloved iPhone is a bit slow, so I’m unlikely to finish this before I get home. Might as well get a start, anyway.
Devcamp starts tomorrow afternoon! I’ve been a bit worried about going, seeing as how I’m still a student and rank amateur iPhone-programming-wise, but I’ve decided to go, listen to the speakers (if any), and work on my own. I’ll spend as much time as necessary learning, and I have an idea for a program I hope to write during the conference.
I’m kind of excited about the idea. It’s easy enough that I think I can accomplish it, and I think it might find an audience in the App Store. I won’t charge for it, so there’s no money to be made, but I’m thinking it will be good experience and maybe get me some exposure. I think something good might come of it. Details on the app next week.
Nothing else new, other than that the weekend is here! I have a million things to get done tomorrow before the conference (which doesn’t start until 5:00, and I probably don’t need to be there before 6:00). LRN4 apparently has a pretty long list, and I have a few things of my own. Ought to be a busy day.
We’re slowing down for the Lardville station. See you in a bit.
– Later –
I’m back. Checked the devcamp website, and it looks like a fairly large percentage of registered attendees also have little to no iPhone programming experience. So at least I’ll be in good company. I’m expecting it to be fun. And I plan to just dedicate my time to finding a quiet place and working on my app. And maybe I’ll make a friend or two. Wish me luck, Loyal Readers!
And that’s about it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife employment opportunity (which is an actual job opening with the actual United States Federal Government! I’m not kidding this time!): Native American Medicine Man.
See you tomorrow.
August 19th, 2010 at 9:25 pm
Was it Paul you were encouraging to do this? I think he would be a great medicine man.
August 19th, 2010 at 9:32 pm
Yes, I think Paul would be a particularly excellent medicine man. However, all my of Loyal Readers are good candidates. I suggest we flood them with applications. Just make sure you don’t end up on the other side of the bars…
August 22nd, 2010 at 10:19 pm
I would be glad to be a medicine man for inmates, but it says I would have to supply my own books and religious stuff.