Grand Canyon – Aug 29, 2010
Here’s Shannon at the Grand Canyon during our family reunion there. She was such a happy person. Great Art courtesy of my old Olympus digital camera, taken at the Grand Canyon, and part of my famous Shannon, Event, and Vacation series.
Wow, I missed both Monday and Tuesday this week. Sorry about that, Loyal Readers. Can’t promise it won’t happen again.
So let’s see if I can think of what has been going on these past few days. The parade on Saturday morning was fun. The weather was about as inhospitable as it gets around here – 55 degrees, very windy, and a tiny bit of rain. But that was just fine as marching weather. From the look of the spectators, the weather was considerably less friendly for spectating. Crowds were restrained but polite. And we did our part for leukemia research in the hopes that future patients will have even more than we got.
Didn’t make it to the picnic. I went on a brief outing with a lady friend that turned into a much longer outing than planned and Mark and I missed our event. Mind you, the outing I did take was fun and the company was pleasant, but we missed our picnic anyway. Next time.
I got some really substantial work done on the PhotoDoc website. You can now register for the seminar and actually pay for it! I need to run it through the sandbox system at PayPal from beginning to end just to make sure there are no hiccups, but it looks like we’ll be good to go. We’re sending out invitations starting tomorrow. Wish us luck, Loyal Readers!
Had lunch with my friend Joanne today. She’s a really sweet lady who lost her husband just after I lost Shannon. We have a lot in common and I enjoy her company. Met her at a 40+ singles event. We were both very reluctant to go but feeling like we needed and wanted to socialize a bit. Somebody told me she was in similar circumstances to mine and we were introduced. I’m really glad.
And that’s about it for today. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: pea-eating-caused divorce!
See you tomorrow.