
Here’s part of the pretty little village of Haines, Alaska. At least I think that’s what it is. Anybody recognize it?

Anyway. I’m home alone today. LRN1 is back to school as of this morning, and LRN2 and LRN4 went with him to help him get settled. Also to drop him off. They’ll be back on Saturday evening. The Suburban ran well for them and their trip was uneventful, except for having to turn back to retrieve LRN1’s computer. Dang. I would have enjoyed that thing.

Quiet evening. I went for dinner to the Chinese buffet restaurant we’ve been thinking of trying. It was actually pretty good, which is about a 50/50 chance for Chinese buffets, in my vast experience. Not necessarily gourmet, but a pretty good meal. And the price was reasonable.

No posts Tuesday and Wednesday. I had meetings and just couldn’t get to the computer. I need to get serious about my blogging again. Sorry about that, Loyal Readers.

I’ve been listening to a couple of new podcasts. The first is Everything Creative, part of the Mormon Radio channel. It’s supposed to be a podcast about creative people – artist types. I started out with low expectations, not being too much of an art lover (other than Great Art, of course).

It turns out to be very interesting, though, because of its unique twist: the person interviewed this week has to find and interview next week’s subject. Kind of like an interviewing chain letter.

If I remember it right, they started with a painter, who interviewed an architect, who interviewed an Egyptologist, who interviewed an NBA basketball player, who interviewed a professional organizer. Or something like that. I have no idea where it’s going next, but I love it. Very creative.

I’ve also been listening to the Biography Podcast. Another good one. This one has the same host every week. He interviews writers of interesting biographies. They talk about both the subject of the biographies and the process of researching and writing the books. Fascinating and recommended.

And there’s not much else to talk about. So we’ll end with today’s food violence news: They’re cracking down on lunchboxes. Those things have been known to kill people!

One Response to “Haines”

  1. Andy Morrow Says:

    Shameless plug! My blog is resurrected. Witness in consternation as I place my musings upon the Internet!

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