High schooler – unknown date
Here’s Shannon way back before we met. I think this is probably from high school, but I guess it could be junior high. Any Loyal Readers care to venture a guess? Early 70’s? Late 60’s? All I know is she didn’t change much. Other than getting her braces off, of course. Great Art courtesy of some camera at some time. Picture recently found and scanned by me and part of my famous Shannon series.
Not a lot to report today. I worked on the new PhotoDoc website quite a bit and I think it’s already looking much better than before. There’s still quite a lot to do, but I see great progress. I’ll probably put in a few hours on it over the weekend, although there are several other things I want to get done too.
Let’s see, what else interesting happened today? I did the laundry. I jacuzzified for about 45 minutes this evening. I watched a few episodes of Top Gear. I made a decent dinner – chipotle chicken. I’ve decided to stop thinking those frozen skillet dinners are lame and just enjoy them once a week or so. I also made a decent breakfast – scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast. Also juice-like substance.
Anyway. Chatted with a few people on the phone. Puttered a bit in the back yard. Exercised. Read.
Not too much planned for the weekend. I’m getting together with Ken on Saturday morning to work a bit on his truck. That afternoon, there’s a neighborhood barbecue and Easter egg hunt. Saturday is also my sister Julie’s birthday, so I’ll be making a phone call. Sunday, nothing is really on the books. We will probably have dinner at Ken and Melanie’s house. Otherwise, I imagine we’ll rest.
And that’s about it. It’s already late, so I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: grizzly bear obesity researcher!
See you on Monday.
April 14th, 2014 at 7:32 am
Good to know she was always as beautiful as when she was an adult!