Historical landmark – Aug 24, 2007
Here are Shannon, Mark, and Andy checking out a historical landmark: the Sonora Pass, elevation 9,628 feet. Not the highest mountain we’ve ever been on top of, but probably the highest one we climbed in California. Assuming we accept the definition of “climbed” as “drove to the top of.” Which I do. Great Art courtesy of my old Olympus camera, taken during one of our trips to Clark’s Fork, and part of my famous Shannon and Camping series.
Pretty nice day. I had a few things that needed doing, but never quite got to them. It’s so easy to occupy my time doing other things. I’ll get to the important stuff tomorrow.
Mark and I went to Tokyo Boys for dinner with the Sushi group. It’s a nice place I’ve been to a couple times before and it’s pretty close to our house, so I was glad the group went there today. There were two people there I’ve eaten with before, but everybody else was new to me. There was a mother and daughter who were with the group for the first time tonight, which is nice.
The weekend was very nice. Joanne and I went to Lake Las Vegas for dinner on Saturday evening. We ate on the patio of an Italian restaurant that overlooks the water. There’s a stage right off the shore – maybe floating, maybe not – and there was a very nice jazz band playing. The music was loud enough to easily hear but not so loud you couldn’t carry on a conversation. There was a fairly decent-sized crowd listening, the weather was nice and warm with just a very gentle breeze, the food was great, and it was just a pleasant evening. We walked around the little village after dinner and just really had a nice time.
Sunday, Mark and I went to Ken and Melanie’s house for dinner as usual. We had lasagna and it was delicious. In a pleasant development, Tonya’s husband Diego was there. He has recently changed jobs due to a promotion (yea for them!), and thinks his Sunday evenings will be free from now on. I’m delighted about that – he’s a very nice guy and I like chatting with him. Both Tonya and Laura are married to great guys.
And that’s it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: butter rage!
See you tomorrow.