Napping readers
Here are Loyal Readers Numbers Five and Twelve getting a little shuteye a couple of months back. LRN12 certainly used to get a lot of it. I hear she’s been cutting back lately.
I have no excuse for not posting last Friday. I was home all day. It was busy, but I could have found the time. Sorry to disappoint my Loyal Readers.
Anyway. Loyal Reader Number Four and I went and got the trailer Friday morning. I checked the water systems (all present, accounted for, and fully operational) and the general condition (no worse than the last time we saw it, meaning fully operational but showing a little cosmetic wear). I also checked the generator, since we’ll need it on our Easter week campout (fully functional). Then I got Loyal Readers Numbers One, Two, and Four to help me wash it, which went surprisingly well. There’s still some mold on the window moldings (maybe that’s why they call them moldings!), but it’s better than before and I’m hoping it won’t get any worse here in the Dry West. I made major improvements to the awning’s cleanliness as well. The trailer has been declared Ready for Camping.
The one thing I forgot to do was to take pictures of the cleanup for the HRVA. Dang. I’ll have to write a little note there anyway.
I also took Loyal Reader Number One’s car to the dealer for a free cooling system check on Friday. They called on Saturday morning and told me it needs head gaskets for an astronomical price. We’re going to get it done, but not at the dealer and at hopefully a less astronomical price. It’s a good car and I might as well put the money into the one I already have as get another one with more unknown problems.
Friday evening, we went to the Modesto Junior College spring organ concert. There was lots of excellent music and we enjoyed it. It was held at the Protestant church where LRN2 takes his organ lessons. It’s a beautiful old pipe organ and it sounds fantastic. I wish our church was still doing pipe organs – there’s just something special about them. The strange thing about this place, though, is that the organ console and piano are at the back of the chapel, requiring us to turn around if we wanted to watch the musicians play. I spent most of my time enjoying the music and not necessarily the performances. The other strange thing is that they passed a collection plate around, which I thought was odd for an MJC-hosted event, even if it was at a church and even if most of the organists perform at various churches on Sundays. Oh, well. I gave them a few bucks.
Maybe I have an excuse for last Friday after all.
We went to Lockheed Martin day at Great America on Saturday. We rode the rides, ate the food, and got slightly sunburned. A good time was had by all. I decided not to take my camera, which may have made the day more convenient but eliminated the possibility of getting any new Great Art for the blog. Sigh. This was my first time on a stand-up roller coaster. Fun. I also enjoyed their big wood coaster. It wasn’t exactly old, but it was certainly old-fashioned, and that’s good enough.
Sunday was busy but enjoyable. LRN1 and I got a little home teaching done, but we still have one more visit to make this month. Not good.
It’s almost 10:30 and I need to get to bed. See you tomorrow.