Newest flowers
Here’s the view in the rose garden this afternoon. Not quite as beautiful as on previous days, perhaps, but it has a beauty of its own. I suppose. What do you think, Loyal Readers? Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at the City of Hope’s beautiful rose garden, and part of my famous Garden series.
I think I see a little bit of color in the background of that Great Art. But not much. It’s been a hot summer so far.
Pretty good day today. LRN4 is doing well today. We went for a walk this afternoon and she moved along very well indeed. No new problems, no new flare-ups of old problems. Just the same old problems. But they’re all getting better, slowly. Some more slowly than others, of course.
I made great progress on my iOS app today! I think I finally conquered my problem reading in an XML file and saving its contents to a Core Data database. It was much harder than it needed to be, but you know – I’m from out of town.
I continue to live in frustration with the horrible wifi service here at the City of Hope. It seems like it’s getting worse, in fact. The antennas work all the time, but the system kicks you off at least once an hour, and you’re typically off somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes. Makes it really hard to work. Sigh. I’m seriously considered buying a cellular wifi hotspot, but I haven’t done it yet because the hospital’s system is sort of working. Well, it’s gotten so bad that I’m about ready to buy something. But now we’re about three weeks away from going home. So is it really worth it?
Plus, when I go to the various websites advertising these devices, they all seem like different versions of the same highway robbery, swindle, or downright fraud. What to do? Any suggestions, Loyal Readers?
And that’s about it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this ice cream cone assault!
See you on Monday.
July 29th, 2013 at 10:44 am
Can’t wait to go home and have good internet!! Among other things