Resting cat
Here’s Baymax sitting with me and getting a bit of rest. He’s been unusually interested in sitting right up close to me lately. His normal pattern is to hang out nearby but not touch anybody. Not the last couple of days, though. I kind of like it. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Las Vegas and Pet series.
Lots of new stuff. But first, happy 38th anniversary to Shannon and me. I still love you. I still miss you.
It’s interesting to me that I can be so happy and yet still feel this frequent longing about which I can do nothing. Joanne has told me she’s making an effort to keep the happy memories and good feelings alive and discard the things that make her sad. That’s a good idea, I think, and I’m trying to do the same thing with some success. There’s not much negative to let go of other than the hard parts of Shannon’s illness during our last year together. And even that was such a love-filled year that I’m having a hard time wanting to ignore it. Lots of suffering, but lots of love.
We had a nice, quiet Christmas. Gave a few gifts, received a few gifts. Are a bunch of delicious food. Had Paul and Melissa over a couple times. We enjoyed the whole season. Now the tree is down and all the decorations are put away. We’re getting ready for a nice New Year’s Eve party with friends and then we focus on 2017.
Joanne’s job is ending on January 3rd, sadly. The executive she serves has decided to leave the company and she’s not being replaced. So Joanne’s job no longer exists. She’s busily searching for her next place. It’s a hard time of year for a job search and it’s not going as quickly as it ought to. We’re both hoping that changes in January.
She hasn’t needed to be in the office much the past couple of weeks. I’m enjoying having her at home a lot more. We’re cooking more and just spending a lot of time together. It’s been like a vacation and I’ll be sorry to see it end. But I’m sure she’ll be happy to see her paychecks continue, so she needs to work. Poor Joanne.
Mark was a bit worried about how his semester was going to turn out this fall. He had a couple of classes that turned out to be quite frustrating. Shortly before Christmas, the semester ended and he learned that he did well in every class. Great job, Mark!
Nothing else I need to cover today, so I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: lettuce attack!
See you tomorrow.