Rock stander

Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two standing on a rock, staring steely-eyed into the future. At Big Sur, of course. We really need to go somewhere else sometime.

It’s 7-11 day! Celebrate with a Slurpee. Or a two-day-old hot dog. Or a frozen burrito. Or my favorite, a nice big cup of hot chocolate with vanilla-flavored creamer. Your choice.

For those few Loyal Readers who may not be able to figure out what I’m talking about, today is the eleventh day of July, the seventh month. Hence, 7-11 day.

Anyway. I’m on the train again this afternoon. The weather has cleared back up and warmed back up. It was quite cloudy, much cooler, and looked like rain yesterday (it didn’t rain, of course), which I didn’t expect. We appreciated the break in the heat, of course. It looks like it will be a little cooler for the next week or so – highs in the 80’s and low 90’s.

The pool has gotten quite comfortable. The water is in the upper 80’s now, which is good enough to step right into. We’ve been in it and the spa a few times already this week. They say swimming pools get as warm as bathwater in Lardville during the summer. We’ll see how it is in August.

Loyal Reader Number Three showed me a cute little computer game last week. It’s called Sumotori Dreams. It’s robot sumo wrestling, it’s small, and it’s fun. After a round ends, the robots lose their balance and try to bow to each other. Very amusing and highly recommended for a few minutes’ relaxation.

Of course, I still recommend Flow as well.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow, and new Great Art subjects should be arriving soon.

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