Seated reader
Here’s LRN12 sitting on the sofa a couple of months ago. Thought my Loyal Readers might like to see how she’s grown in recent times. I think she may have been singing or something. Maybe trying to catch flies – who knows? Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam.
Two posts in a row! That’s something of a record, at least recently.
Not that there’s anything to say. Worked, ate, and commuted. I slept in by an hour this morning – simply too tired to get up. Worked an hour late as a result, so now it’ll be that much harder to get up on time tomorrow. But I have to. Have a few early meetings. In fact, I think I’ll be in meetings nonstop from 9:00 until about noon. And then a few in the afternoon too. Ah, the glamorous life of a manager.
Great news! LRN2 found out today that he’s received a half-tuition scholarship to BYU for the Winter semester and Spring & Summer terms. Congratulations! Of course, he hasn’t received his acceptance letter yet, but I think we can pretty much assume that’s going to happen at this point. Either that, or this is their way of making people feel good without having to actually spend any money. Just award a scholarship and then don’t let them in to spend it. Brilliant! I’ll have to use that little trick at the future University of Mike.
Anyway. Worked on the iPhone app on the way home this evening. I got a lot done – the timing calibration code is pretty much done and working perfectly, and I believe I’m using the calibration values properly in the Receive function now too. I also started implementation of the background noise sensitivity calibration function. Things are moving along swimmingly!
Helped LRN4 get her website set up yesterday. She’s working on her first post right now. We just have a default WordPress template in there so far. I think she likes its general appearance, but we have a lot of customization to do. It’s not time to start publicizing it yet, so I’ll refrain for now. She’ll have to pick a couple of beta testers for it soon – any Loyal Volunteers?
And that’s about it for tonight. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: cider-loving kangaroo!
See you tomorrow.
November 3rd, 2010 at 9:11 pm
The kangaroos are evolving.
And taking over.
November 8th, 2010 at 1:29 pm
I have better pictures of LRN12 if you would like….