Submarine pilot
Here’s the guy driving our submarine off the coast of Oahu during our recent cruise. Note the shipwreck in the hazy background. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive old Minolta-cam and part of my famous Vacation and Machinery series.
Another long spell since the last post. Sigh. Lots has happened. Shall we take a look at some of it?
Still no real commitment from the company on my TDY assignment. Of course, they’ve been off for the holidays, just like me, so I haven’t really expected anything. It’s been since mid-November, though, and I would have hoped they could get their collective act together by now. Hopefully, we’ll get the formal offer early in the new year and get moving forward. If not, we might just be staying in Lardville after all. Which would be a bit of an embarrassment, since we got ourselves untangled from lots of commitments already. But there you have it.
We’ve had a great Christmas break so far. We went sledding at a local farm on Christmas Eve. Also drove through their mile-long Christmas light exhibition a few nights earlier. Both were fun. LRN5 and Cliff joined us for sledding and for Christmas, which was really nice. We love having them come over. We spoke on the phone with LRN1, who is doing very well in Guatemala. Less than two months before he’s home! Christmas itself was quiet and peaceful, just like I like it.
On Monday, we went to see Arthur Christmas at the movies. It was really entertaining – I’d definitely watch it again. Tuesday, we went bowling with LRN2 and his friend Josh. LRN4 slaughtered us all, as usual. But it was fun anyway. We had a pizza and a pitcher of root beer there. There’s nothing better than bowling alley pizza, I always say.
Tuesday night, LRN2 went to LRN5’s house to see Cliff’s show and spend the night. He appears to have had a good time. LRN4 and I took advantage of the evening on our own to go out for our anniversary dinner one night early. We went to the Olive Garden in Tracy for a great meal and browsed the Barnes and Noble store and then the entire Tracy mall afterwards. Had a nice evening together.
Wednesday was our official anniversary. We spent it quietly at home and had a nice day. Thirty-three years of marriage. That’s starting to sound like kind of a long time, huh?
Today is game day, tomorrow is our annual film festival, Saturday is New Year’s Eve, which will be spent at home, Sunday is New Year’s Day, which will be spent at church and home, Monday is packing day for LRN3 and me, and LRN3 and I are off for Provo and Newtown, respectively, on Tuesday. Next holiday for me: Memorial Day. Yikes.
And it’s time to go play games. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: alcoholic thieving monkeys, breaking and entering bears, and kleptomaniac cats!
See you tomorrow.
January 13th, 2012 at 2:37 am
It was an exceptionally wonderful holiday! And 33 years sounds like only the beginning to me–looking forward to many more years together!