Tiger 7
Here’s the Tiger 7 – a tugboat in one of the ports we visited in Hawaii. It did pretty much everything except tug us. They pretty much just floated around next to us as we pulled out of the port under our own power and then, right as we were leaving the channel and heading out to sea, they started spinning. Really. It was cool to watch, but I imagine the cruise line had to pay for that. At least it provided some entertainment for us passengers. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone 4S-cam and part of my famous Machinery and Vacation series.
Lots of new stuff to report, as usual. Let’s see if I can remember any of it.
LRN1 and I are working on our new company’s first product – a promotional app for our non-Loyal-Reader friend Cliff’s famous band! We’re hoping to use this app as a springboard to marketing a semi-custom app to other bands, as well as event organizers. We’ll include a gig/event calendar, band biographies, slide show, sample music, and video links. So far, we have the calendar and music tech part working. Still need to do the other parts and then prettify the app. That latter part may be the hardest. We’re doing our best and hope for a great result. Oh, the plan is to release both iOS and Android versions. We’re doing the iOS part first, since that’s what we know.
Our business plan is to be able to do matching iOS and Android apps for our clients, since that seems to be what people are looking for these days. We really need to develop our Android expertise. Also need to shake the rust off of our iOS chops. That part is in full swing already.
Oh, yeah, the company name is Business Casual Software. I hope nobody else is already using that name. Haven’t been able to find anybody out there so far. LRN5, our accountant and budding Android programmer, is working a fictitious name statement for us right now. Other business arrangements to be made as necessary – particularly when we start actually charging somebody for something.
We’re continuing to have a very nice time with LRN1. It’s great to have him back. The three of us are going to Michigan this weekend for a quick trip that’s turned into something of a family reunion. All my brothers and sisters will be in town, along with all of LRN16’s kids and their families. We’re staying with LRN8 and my mom, which will be nice. LRN23 will be there with us too, which ought to be fun.
I’m really loving my new [amazon asin=B0020CL9VK&text=Brother laser printer]. It’s a really cool printer with a color scanner, photocopier, and fax machine (yes, they still make those, although I have no idea why anybody uses a fax anymore). The cool thing I’ve discovered about it, though, is that you can print from and scan to a memory stick. You can also scan to email, but I haven’t quite figured out how to do that yet. I’ve done a lot of scanning, though, and the memory stick setup works out really well. You don’t have to have a bunch of awkward software on your computer. Highly recommended.
Let’s see, what else? Can’t think of anything. It’s just life these days – kind of nice to have settled down to that. So I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this combination toilet news and exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: poop fairy!
See you tomorrow.