Twilight stage
Here’s the Disco Orchestra stage at dusk. Looking even cooler than that last picture. The singers are a little bit brightly illuminated, though. Didn’t seem that way in real life, fortunately. Great Art courtesy of the famous iPhone-cam and part of my famous Event series.
Long time no blog. Yet again. I think I’ll stop mentioning that. Thanks to LRN2 for missing me.
LRN4 got back from her dad’s 90th birthday party late last night. She seems to have had a nice time. It was a quiet weekend for me. Went golfing on Saturday morning. Had a nice time, but the course was in terrible shape and was much longer than I expected it to be. Should have gotten a cart. Lesson learned.
Ate sushi twice and Mexican food once. Made plenty of breakfast-type food at home. Read, napped, internet surfed, went to church, swam, and generally hung around. Noticeably absent was any kind of work. Maybe next weekend.
Although we’re supposed to go kayaking and waverunning with our friends Don and Lynn on Friday, I believe. Should be fun. We’re going on the Hawaii cruise with them in just a couple of weeks!
And I think I’ll stop here. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: sheep-meat smuggling! Nothing is lower.
See you tomorrow.