Wedding brunch – Dec 28, 1978
Here are Shannon and me having our first brunch together as a married couple. Wasn’t she a doll? I look a bit more pensive in this picture. I was probably wondering how I got so lucky. Great Art courtesy of Burns Newby (possibly), taken at the Twin Bridges Marriott in Arlington, Virginia, and part of my famous Shannon, Food, and Event series.
I just discovered via Wikipedia that the Marriott Twin Bridges was built in the year Shannon and I were born and demolished in 1990. It only lasted for 33 years. Sheesh.
Had a pretty good day today. Had another splitting sinus headache last night, so we didn’t exercise today. Got to feeling better mid-morning again. I’m struggling to understand the cause of these headaches. The only possible common thread is that I burned a black cherry candle a couple times recently, including last night. Did I burn it the last time I had a splitting headache? It’s an easy thing to test, but I’m kind of afraid to do it. Any other suggestions for how to perform the test without getting headache?
I did a little bit of work mid-day. Much more to do. Must . . . stay . . . focused!
Speaking of which, my good old friend Gary drove up from Las Vegas and we had a great afternoon/evening together. He took Mark and me out to dinner at Pei Wei, we chatted for quite a long time and caught up with the last 20 year of each other’s lives, and we talked about the programming job he needs done. I expressed interest, showed him a little bit of my work, and we parted with what I believe is the likelihood that he’ll use my services. In any case, we’ll stay in touch better than we have for the past 20 years. What a joy to see such a dear old friend!
I’m going to the homeowners’ association meeting tomorrow night. They’ve invited somebody from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to speak and asked if I would come. I’m so delighted with how the HOA folks have really wanted to honor Shannon’s contributions. She didn’t seek or need that honor during her lifetime, but I think she richly deserved it.
Watched the slideshow I made for Shannon last August again today. It really brings the tears to my eyes, but it feels so good to see all those pictures. I remembered today that I made that slideshow a couple days after we learned Shannon’s leukemia had overcome her stem cell transplant. At that point, we knew our chances had taken a large nosedive. We still had hope, but not like before. As it turned out, we had about six months left. What a wonderful six months they were. I’m so grateful for that.
That’s about all the news for today. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: fugitive Roman elephant! Note: the elephant is no relation to LRN12.
See you tomorrow.
April 2nd, 2014 at 8:08 pm
She was adorable!!! And you were cute too – and oh so young looking!