Who knows?

Here’s a . . . umm . . . I have no idea. It’s some kind of farm implement or something. Found in the park where we had our last campout of the summer. So it’s part of both my famous Machinery and my Camping series.

Short Shrift tonight. It’s getting late already and I want to get to bed. No post yesterday due to More or Less Massive Meeting Tuesday. We started a little later than some other weeks and we ended on time, so it wasn’t bad. But there was no time for blogging.

Cool day. I was positively cold on the train platform this morning, with only my light jacket for comfort. I’m thinking of wearing a slightly heavier one tomorrow, as it’s supposed to be similarly cool in the morning. It snowed heavily in Denver today, I hear, and LRN1 reported at least a little snow in Provo. So I can’t complain. Much.

All else is well. So I’ll end not with toilet violence, but with a Very Special Toilet Employment Opportunity. My Loyal Readers will want to put in their applications immediately. Best of luck to all of you.

See you tomorrow.

One Response to “Who knows?”

  1. Andy Morrow Says:

    Paul had best get in on this before it's too late.

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