Cruise beginning – Feb 21, 2010


Here are Shannon and me getting ready to board the ship that took us to Mexico back in February 2010. She had her great old flower bag, which accompanied us on every one of our vacations for many years. I had my computer bag, which accompanied me pretty much everywhere always. Great Art courtesy of our friends Doug and Connie – I have no idea which one of them took it – using their nice Canon camera, and part of my famous Shannon, Cruise, Machinery, and Vacation series.

I look at this picture and think: if I had only known we had less than four years left. There are a lot of things I would change. I would overlook everything and anything that I let come between us. I would tell her I love her a hundred times a day. I would do everything in my power to make her happy and make her life absolutely carefree and make her feel constantly surrounded by love. I would treat her like the queen she was to me. But there are some things I wouldn’t change. I think this vacation is one of them. We had a wonderful time together and everything was just perfect. I’ll never forget it, along with the other cruises we took. I was so happy and felt so close to Shannon on those ships. It’s no wonder I love cruising.

Not a busy day. My sinuses are acting up pretty badly. I’m sure it’s an allergic reaction to something, although I have no idea what. If I knew, I’d get away from it. I’m feeling pretty miserable. No fever, no other symptoms other than clogged sinuses on the right side of my head and a headache. But that’s enough.

So I didn’t do much, yet again. I did find the time to go through a bunch of emails and to plan out the next few days of work. Now I just have to do the work. I also spent a little time finding accommodations for Mark and me (and Andy and Heather, although they’re making their own reservations) for the family reunion in Park City. We’ll be staying at the same hotel where we stayed for the last reunion. It’s not the best place in town, but it was nice and worked for us then, so I suspect it’ll work for us now.

I’ve been reconsidering my contemplated driving tour of the country. As I’ve probably mentioned before, my original plan was Las Vegas – San Francisco – Park City (or Salt Lake, depending on when) – Denver – Detroit – Stafford – Orlando – Tucson – Las Vegas. When Mark and I looked at the calendar for that trip, it would take more than 30 days. I’m thinking that’s a bit more than I really want to do. So now I’m thinking Las Vegas – San Francisco (only if Katy and company have time to see me then, otherwise I’ll visit them another time) – Park City – Denver – Detroit – Las Vegas. It’s two days’ travel from Denver to Detroit and three back to Las Vegas, so I would have to find some hotel rooms for five nights. I would plan to stay in Detroit for the week that includes the Fourth of July, which would make it something like ten days there. I wonder if the Michigan family would get tired of having me there for so long. I guess I could split my trip up between family members so none of them had time to get fed up. I’m planning a trip to Orlando next February for a conference, so I’ll see Tony then, and I can run over to Tucson and see Chris pretty much any time. I’d miss Paul and Melissa this time, so I’d have to find a way to get with them soon. Besides, they’re hoping to move to Las Vegas soon, so I’ll see a lot of them then.

Anyway. I need to make a decision and start checking with family members to see what works for whom when.

And that’s pretty much it for today. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: macaroni and cheese-related parental assault!

See you tomorrow.

One Response to “Cruise beginning – Feb 21, 2010”

  1. Sandy Langdorf Says:

    That week would be good for us – Scott has the week off and I am planning on taking some days as well. The week after I am at camp and Scott is watching the girls, so that would be great with us!

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