Living statue – Sept 6, 2012


Here’s another picture Shannon didn’t want me to share on the blog. This one was taken aboard our ship during our East Coast cruise in September 2012. I think she captured the artist’s mood exactly, don’t you? Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of my famous Shannon, Cruise, Statue, and Vacation series.

No post yesterday – sorry about that. I was out until pretty late in the evening and just didn’t have the energy to write. But yesterday was a very enjoyable day and everything went well.

Today was enjoyable too! I worked on the website again and got a preliminary version of the conference registration working. It still doesn’t allow you to pay (which I think is a fairly important aspect of the thing), but I think I figured out how to make that happen just moments before I stopped work to go out to dinner. So tomorrow or Monday.

Lots going on over the weekend. Mark and I are marching in the parade in the morning and then I’m going to a meetup luncheon at a Thai restaurant mid-day. Then there’s a meetup family picnic on Sunday afternoon and a few other things sprinkled in there too. It’s going to be busy and it’s going to be enjoyable. This has been a very good week.

Extremely strong winds today, continuing into tonight. I’m hoping it eases up a bit before picnic time rolls around. It might be a bit awkward chasing our hamburgers and watermelon slices all over the park.

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: domestic banana assault!

See you on Monday.

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