Here’s a huge field of rocks in a state park in Pennsylvania. We visited there several years ago, and was it ever a beautiful place! This month’s campout starts today, so this picture is to help me get in the mood. Part of my famous Camping series.
Didn’t expect a post today, did you, Loyal Readers? I’m using the Wonders of WordPress and posting this ahead of time, to be published at 5:00 PM on Monday. We’ll see if that works.
Received my new Duty to God book a few days ago. I largely read it over last night and this morning, and I’ve now started working through it from start to finish. I really want to follow the program just as if I were a deacon and progress through it through the end. Then I can start again in Preach My Gospel, except actually work through that excellent book from start to finish as well. I expect this will turn out to be a multi-year project if done well. I really don’t want to hurry – I’m studying, not reading. I’m just starting the first part of the Deacon section in Duty to God today.
I’d like to record my thoughts as I go through this process here on the blog, so I hope my Loyal Readers will forgive a bit of introspection as a part of the blog.
Today’s Duty to God thought: Under Pray and Study the Scriptures, the Learn section asks us to carefully study a few scripture passages. One of them is 1 Nephi 15:23-24, which includes the following passage: “… whoso would hearken unto the word of God (i.e. the scriptures and words of the prophets), and would hold fast unto it (study, pray, and follow diligently?), they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.” (Parentheticals mine, of course.)
One of my areas of Gospel interest is in finding ways to be more reliably obedient and overcoming temptations and weaknesses on an enduring basis. This passage seems to be telling us that if we “hold fast” to the scriptures and other words of God, the adversary is incapable of overpowering us with temptations and weaknesses (fiery darts). Pretty powerful promise, that. Hopefully, going through the Duty to God/Preach My Gospel process will be a very positive step in the direction of holding fast to the words of God.
Anyway. Presumably, the campout is going great and we’re having a wonderful time. I need to find cell coverage and free wifi somewhere for my Tuesday morning church iPhone conference call, so I hope to find time to post a quick update at that time. So far, what I know is that I have a bunch of books to read (mostly technical, of course), some gospel study to do (including trying to retire a few of those old Liahona magazines), and a bunch of writing to get done.
Made excellent progress on getting sdlogger ready to publish on Saturday, but there is a ton more to do, as I realized while going through the process. The code itself is publishable (although I keep thinking of things I’d like to change/add, such as doing something with the LEDs when data is being transferred). I now need to draw a schematic of the board, write an interface library for the controlling Arduino to link to, and write a test program to prove that the whole shebang works and give users example code for their own programs. I can do all that stuff during the camping trip and just test it all and publish when I get home.
I’d also like to get the Gardenville site switched over from Drupal to WordPress, I think. I’ve discovered on this blog how easy WordPress is to use and I think I’d like to standardize all my websites on it. Still need to figure out if there’s an easy way to allow users to download files from it, though.
I don’t think I mentioned that I bought a new antenna for my beloved Ranger. Turns out the factory antenna costs $28. They sell a cheapo replacement at Autozone for ten bucks, and that’s the one I bought. If it turns out to get all bent from the wind and otherwise be a nuisance, I can always buy the expensive dealer one. On the positive side, nobody is likely to steal this one, and even if they do, I won’t miss it much. Sheesh.
Anyway. It’s Sunday just before church as I write this and it’s time to get ready and go, so I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife employment opportunity: weed-eating goat.
See you tomorrow.
July 9th, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Hey! employment opportunity, no! WE need a goat to get rid of the weeds in our yard. If the neighbors can have a rooster, then maybe we can have a goat. What do you think?! Also, thanks for the thoughts about Duty to God.