
Here’s the pool as it appears now. Much better than that last picture, I can assure you.

Well, at least it was sold for a day. It appears that our buyer’s buyer is having some kind of financial problem, and the Gardenville house remains unsold. Very sad. It was fun while it lasted, though.

The Pool People showed up again this morning to make the automatic filler stop filling (it was a couple of inches too high when we noticed it last night – I hate to think of what might have happened if we hadn’t gone out there) and give us a chemical test kit that wasn’t oozing. Big improvement. At least they’re always prompt and pleasant. Except for that PDA incident. And even that seems to have turned out okay.

Loyal Reader Number Four got official California license plates on her car and mine today. Only the truck and the trailer left to go. It took her a good portion of the day, but she reports that at least the DMV People were reasonably pleasant.

Nothing else to report today, so I’ll quit and go to bed. See you tomorrow.

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