Here are Loyal Readers Numbers One and Two crawling around in the bushes at Clark’s Fork. I have no idea why. Part of my famous Camping series.
Another perfect weather day in the aptly named town of Sunnyvale. And I was indoors for 99.9 percent of the daylight hours. Sigh. Only four more years until I can retire.Theoretically , that is. I’d have to struggle to afford dog food in my hovel, of course. I have the motive; now all I need is the opportunity.
I heard from my old co-worker Jim today. He went to Florida a couple of months ago to take a really cool job at an Air Force base near Tampa. The job disappeared almost immediately, so he’s looking again. Poor Jim.
But that’s not what I’m talking about right now. When he left, he gave me three gifts: his small radio-controlled helicopter (just like the one I got myself for Christmas, except that this one didn’t break on its second day), his big RC helicopter, and his RC UFO. They’re all really cool, but I can’t use the big helicopter because its battery charger is missing, and I can’t use the UFO because its controller is missing.
Well, Jim just unpacked his household goods, and he found the missing pieces! He’s mailing them to me.
The UFO is fun, but it has just a single control – it’ll go either up or down. It has flashing LEDs and stuff, so it’s still cool. The big helicopter, on the other hand, is a real RC flying machine. It’s electric and self-stabilized, so it’s easy to fly (they tell me), and it’s big enough that it has to be flown outdoors.
I’ve played with the UFO when it was at Jim’s desk, but I’ve never gotten to fly the chopper. Looking forward very much to trying it out. I’m hoping for at least two or maybe even three flights before I ruin it. Let’s hope my extensive experience with the tiny one will translate up.
Called my Mom during the afternoon trip to the train station. It’s her birthday. Although I really shouldn’t need an excuse to call her. She’s doing fine and appears to have had a happy birthday.
We talked about LRN2’s recovery. I was happy to report that he’s doing much better in the last few days. He’s finally able to eat pretty much anything and is feeling well. Still can’t play the violin, though.
No new controversy today. Still waiting for Dave Barry to get back from travel.
As mentioned in yesterday’s comments, the musical road is back! I’ll definitely check it out next time I go down there. Thanks to Loyal Reader Number I Don’t Know Which for the tip.
That’s all for now, Vladimir. See you tomorrow.