Calaveras campsite
Here’s our campsite during our most recent trip. Pretty campground, that. And a nice roomy site too.
Anonymous noticed I didn’t post on Friday. I have a great excuse. I forgot. Sorry about that, Loyal Readers. And thanks for noticing, Anon!
Fine weekend. I got the Miata fixed on Saturday. It was way past time for an oil change, so I decided to have them look at the loud exhaust and the front end rattle while it was there. It turns out the rattle was caused by a brake missing its shim, which is simply an annoyance. When it’s time for new brakes, it’ll get a new shim. The exhaust problem was caused by a catalytic converter that was installed upside down and backwards, not to mention that it appears to have been welded in by children. I got a new converter and it’s now quieter (but not much – there’s still a very pleasant exhaust note) and much more powerful. I was going to take it to work today to see if its cold performance has improved (I expect it has), but they were predicting rain so I took the Honda – ABS, traction control, and more accident safety. I’ll probably drive the Miata tomorrow, when it’s going to be sunny all day.
Wednesday will definitely be a train day, though. As in Washington, my observations here tell me that the commute on the evening before a major holiday is pretty bad. Here in Lardville I have an option, so I’m going to take it.
I was thinking earlier about a comment my sister made a few weeks ago when I was in Michigan. She mentioned that somebody was puzzled when she talked about looking at a light to sneeze. She had no idea that trick didn’t work for everybody. Neither did I. Check this out. How many of my Loyal Readers are light-sneezers? Comment!
Besides the car repairs, Loyal Reader Number Four and I got a few other things done. We got a loveseat from some friends. It works in the family room and looks nice. We’ve been looking for a new couch for that room. I think the search will still go on, but we at least have a workable temporary solution.
Otherwise, pretty uneventful.
It’s Thanksgiving week! I’m looking forward to being home for a few days and having Loyal Readers Numbers Five, Six, and (especially) Twelve over. Sadly, Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Fifteen can’t come. They’re going to Las Vegas.
Only two more workdays to go! See you tomorrow.