
Here’s Loyal Reader Number One sitting in front of the trailer during one of our campouts this summer. Picture (obviously) taken with the exclusive RAZR-cam.

Fine day today. We’re having rain every other day this week, and today was one of the no-rain days, so I drove. Tomorrow’s a rain day and I’ll be avoiding the inevitable traffic by taking the train.

Speaking of which, I’ve been kind of avoiding the train because I have one round trip left and I still haven’t received my first before-tax ticket voucher. It should be here any day now. I don’t want to buy another ticket before it comes. I guess there are always single tickets while I wait.

Loyal Readers Numbers One and Two have been watching Country Fried Home Videos on the Country Music Channel while Loyal Reader Number Four is at book group tonight. Of course, they don’t want to be associated in any way with the Country Music Channel, but the show is really funny, so they’re willing to take the risk. Don’t worry, Loyal Readers, I won’t tell anybody!

It’s bedtime for me. See you tomorrow.

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