Candelabra blossom


Here’s one more rose whose name I know – the beautiful Candelabra.  Can any of my Loyal Readers guess how I figured that one out?  Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, taken at the City of Hope’s rose garden, and part of my famous Garden series.

Pretty good day today.  We visited LRN4’s doctor and we’re still on track for departure from California on Monday.  She’s feeling pretty good, although she continues to lose weight at a fairly alarming rate.  We really need to pump her back up.  Right away.  So our imminent departure is the good news.  The less-good news is that the doctor says we may need to be here in the Village for four weeks after each of the upcoming DLI transplants.  The even less less-good news is that the transplants will be four weeks apart from each other.  The even less less less-good news is that there will be about four of them.  And the even LESS less less less-good news is that this whole process will encompass Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, our 35th anniversary, and New Year’s Day.  Sigh.  Also all the days in between.  Plus a bunch before and after.

Our greatest hope is that LRN4’s graft-versus-host disease will be extremely mild or even non-existent, so maybe we can limit the stays to two weeks or so each.  Cross your fingers for us, Loyal Readers!

But it’s nothing we can’t handle in any case, as long as we’re working on that shot at LRN4’s long-term remission.  We’ll do it.  There are worse places to be.

Made some more progress on the app.  LRN31 has been running it and has made some excellent suggestions, all of which I plan to incorporate.  I’m working on the password protection feature right now.  I have the iPhone version working just fine, but the iPad version with its fancy-schmancy split view controller is being a major pain.  I’ve tried several things, none of which have worked right.  I’m sure the right thing is out there, though.  I have another consultation phone call scheduled with LRN1 tomorrow morning at 8:00.  It’s so great to have supergeniuses for children.

LRN4 spent a lot of time working on her blog today.  She’s trying to get the cover pictures taken for a couple of books she borrowed from the library here, before she has to return them over the weekend.  In order to get the cover pictures taken, she has to have finished all the projects for each of the books.  So she made a whole lot of really cute little things and a couple loaves of delicious lime pound cake, which I have been helping to eat.  It’s the least I can do.  I think she got everything done that needed doing, which is more than I can say for myself.

She was in such a hurry because my dad is coming to town tomorrow for a two-day visit.  He flew in to Las Vegas today and will return there on Saturday evening.  He doesn’t fly out until Tuesday morning, so we expect to get a chance to show him our new house on Monday afternoon.  We’re certainly looking forward to that, and to the weekend visit here.  It’s really kind of him to come out and visit us.

And I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: macaroni and cheese-related stabbing!

See you tomorrow.

One Response to “Candelabra blossom”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Loving the visit from Dad!

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