Here’s an old picture of a merry-go-round in the park in Cannes, right in front of the Town Hall, by the waterfront. As my French-speaking Loyal Readers will recall, the French name for Town Hall is Hotel De Ville. When we first started going to Cannes, we couldn’t figure out why nobody seemed to be staying at the Hotel De Ville. We eventually figure it out. Like yesterday’s picture, I found it hanging around on Moe’s Windows disk, which I would dearly like to convert to Linux use.
Went out visiting with the full-time missionaries this evening. We visited a couple of new members and invited them to tomorrow’s Halloween party. We also made tentative arrangements to finish the new-member discussions with one of them. We also filled the gas tanks of the Honda and the Suburban. Spent well over a hundred dollars (big spender!). All in all, a productive evening.
Tomorrow’s my off Friday, so I hope to only have to work three or four hours. There’s a lot to do tomorrow – we have to get the trailer to the DMV so they can look at its VIN, get the Taurus registered, install the replacement blinds that arrived yesterday, check the pool’s chemistry, and who knows what else. I’m hoping to sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning, though. Might as well not get the day started too early.
We’re watching an overly-sentimental WWII-era movie called Once Upon a Honeymoon, starring Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers. I think one of the reviews at Amazon tells the story best: “One of the strangest, most troubling films made in Hollywood.” It’s a bizarre mixture of a romantic comedy and a wartime spy film. I recommend it to my Loyal Readers purely for its strangeness. In spite of the material they had to work with, Grant and Rogers are as good as they ever were.
I hope to have more to write about tomorrow. For now, it’s bedtime.