Here’s one more picture from my trip to Paris earlier this year. They had lots of nice old statues and sculptures and things.
I think it’s time for me to quit being Held Hostage. I’m seriously wondering whether the Ace train is going to work for me. I’ll probably switch to driving for a while. I can always come back to the train when I get sick of the car. Maybe if I can find a way to get a reliable, useful traffic report before I leave home, I can make a decision in real time. The train just takes a lot longer than the car, even on the worst traffic day. The good thing is that I have the choice.
The rumors of a sale of ILS (my former employer in Washington, as you know) have been confirmed – the company told the ILS people, sent out an announcement to all employees, and announced it publicly today. They’ve been sold to a completely unknown company, and they’ll deal exclusively with Proton and Angara. I wonder if any of my former colleagues will move on. I suspect the company will refuse them in-company transfers, if recent experience is any guide. I’m really glad I got out when I did.
PEC went well last night. I like the other members of the council. It’s a little hard to keep the group on task, but they enjoy their meetings. It’s kind of nice the meeting is held on a weekday evening rather than Sunday morning. The atmosphere is just a little more casual. I got home a little later than I would have liked, so I’ve been sleepy today. That was especially hard because of all the meetings I had to attend. I’ve been able to get a little sleep on the train, but it’s really not restful enough. There’s just no substitute for shuteye under the old blankets. Maybe I’ll get my eight hours tonight.
The Pool People are supposed to come tomorrow and clean up the backyard. Hopefully, that will include removing the many piles of cement all over the place and smoothing the yard back out. They’re skipping a week after that – don’t ask me why – and coming the next week (probably) to install the equipment. The plaster should follow shortly after that.
The Crating People were supposed to come today and take a bunch of boxes from us. I hope they did. I’m really ready to be rid of the head-high pile in the garage. Unfortunately, the Crating People aren’t willing to take away the huge boxes full of paper, but the Moving People are supposed to come take care of that. They’re being strangely cagey about the whole thing, though.
The HRVA website is up to five members now! Of course, they’re all family members and Loyal Reader Number Seven, but that’s about right for now. I haven’t been able to get any additional content produced yet, so my readership might not increase for a while.
Time to do some reading. See you tomorrow.