
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Three’s snake. Cool. Speaking of which, it’s Loyal Reader Number Three’s birthday! Happy birthday, LRN3!! What did you do on Your Special Day (link warning – smarmy reading of children’s book)? Probably the same thing I did on My Special Day – work. Welcome to reality, unfortunately. I’ll call you after I get home. Photography courtesy of LRN3, of course.

America held hostage: day I-don’t-know-how-many-plus-yet-another-one. No wifi on the train. I saw an email from a Railroad Person today that said they’ve pushed back their first car’s installation until the end of September, with the others coming on line as late as three months later. I’m searching for some reason to believe them this time but haven’t been able to come up with anything yet. I’ll sleep on it. In the meantime, why is it they can’t get the old system to work anymore? Huh? Answer me! I thought so.

On a happier note, it’s the holiday weekend! I’m home for three whole days! There’s so much I want to do, I don’t know where to start. I need to get Loyal Reader Number Four’s car washed. I need to get a California driver’s license (assuming the DMV is open on Saturday, which I believe they are). I have a lot of stuff I need to put away in my closet, dresser, and file cabinet. And then there’s the garage. That truck’s going inside there sooner or later, so it might as well be sooner.

I’ve been thinking about making another movie. I’ll have to talk to my Loyal Readers and see if we can’t come up with a script. Any budding screenwriters out there? I’m looking for something that runs somewhere between three and ten minutes and that can be made using next to no equipment and a camera that can’t even take an external mic. Also, we’ll have to use ourselves and any friends we can manage to find as actors. And we’ll have to do all the shooting and editing ourselves. And we have no budget. Otherwise, the sky’s the limit. Let me know.

Forgot to bring my camera on the train today. Maybe next week. The weather should be approximately exactly like it is today, so at least I don’t have to worry about waiting for favorable conditions.

I got up at 3:54 (tried to make it at 3:45 but seem to have hit the snooze button without gaining consciousness) and took the early train this morning. Made it to work a few minutes before seven. The idea was to nap on the train and not do any work until I actually got to work, especially given the absence of Wifi on the train (grrr…). I slept some and felt fine all day (well, no more sleepy than usual, anyway), so I guess I can count it as a success. I’m not sure I got any more done, though, so I guess I can count it as a failure too. Like everything else today, we’ll have to see how it turns out on a more permanent basis. I expect I’ll drive to work at least one day next week too – Friday, in all likelihood.

I read a few pages of The Scientific American Boy last night and today. It’s fun, as you might expect a 1905 book written for adventure-seeking boys to be, but it relies heavily on its many illustrations, and they’re not included in the Gutenberg electronic edition. Most of the prose is descriptive of the numerous (and incredibly complicated) Projects for Boys, with related diagrams. It’s still interesting, though, so I’m going to keep reading a little longer and see if I can treat the pictures as optional. In the meantime, I loaded three more Wodehouse novels (getting near the end of Gutenberg’s list – a pity, that) on the Gadget yesterday (see them in the on-deck circle over there on the right), so I’m ready to move on if necessary. I’m also adding my new Dick Francis book and a couple of other things in my reading pile. My Loyal Readers require this information as soon as they can get it so they can get the most out of the Morrowlife Book Club.

Speaking of books, I got a Lardville library card a couple of weeks ago, but haven’t checked out any books yet. I probably have plenty to read already, but I hope to get over there tomorrow and see what looks interesting. I’m lucky I don’t have unlimited money, because I’d be emptying out the bookstores on a daily basis, and there’s just not enough shelf room at home. Of course, if I had unlimited money I could buy a house with a huge library. Never mind. I wish I had unlimited money.

We’re really ready for the pool to be full of water and swimmable. Not too much longer now. Must . . . be . . . patient. Okay, I’m fine now.

Well, this has become inane, so it’s time to quit. Have a great weekend. The Morrowlife blog never rests, so we’ll see you on Labor Day.

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