Finished house
Here’s the finished place in Las Vegas! A whole lot of work has been done since that last picture. Of course, it’s been a few weeks, so that makes at least a little bit of sense. I think the place looks real nice. Check out that fancy boulder there under the tree and the beautiful fake dry stream bed. Cost us a couple hundred bucks. Great Art courtesy of Colin the House Sales Guy and part of my famous Las Vegas series.
Getting tired of seeing pictures of my new house yet? Well, have no fear. I’m getting ready to add my new famous Cruise series. Watch this space!
That’s right, LRN4 and I are back from our east coast cruise. We got home last Friday. We had a great time! All the ports were beautiful and interesting (two in Maine and two in Canada), the food was excellent, the service was outstanding, and a great time was had by all. Interestingly, we were some of the youngest people on the ship. They told us at one point that the previous week’s cruise (to Bermuda, not Maine/Canada) had about 500 children under 18 out of the 2450 or so passengers. Our cruise had about a dozen. That first week after school starts is definitely the time to take a vacation. We’ll have to do that every year.
A couple more cruise details: we were warned that we were sailing right into the remnants of a hurricane. Rain was predicted at every port and at sea. It didn’t quite work out that way, though. It apparently rained the day before we came into all four ports, but three of the four place were sunny, warm, and beautiful. The other was cloudy, warm, dry, and beautiful. The sea was like glass the whole trip. We only felt the ship move a couple of times, and then you had to be paying attention to notice it. It was the most perfect cruise weather-wise and sea-wise we’ve ever been on. So no hurricane.
Things were just fine here when we got back. I went to work today and found a reasonable amount of work built up during the six days I was away. I should be caught up again by tomorrow or Wednesday. Things are great!
They’re about to get a little bit worse, a little bit better, a whole lot better, and then great, though. LRN4 is leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow (the worse part), where she’ll buy the house (the better part), paint all of some of the interior walls (the whole lot better part, seeing as how I’ll be here while the painting is going on there), and then come home (the great part) after nine days away. We got final approval of the loan this afternoon, had a huge pile of money wired to the mortgage company, and are now just waiting for LRN4 to sign (for both of us – she’s done that before and it was a WHOLE LOT of signing) on the many dotted lines. Then we’ll have three homes! That ought to be plenty for anybody, don’t you think?
Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this shocking food violence news: avocado thief!
See you tomorrow.
September 20th, 2012 at 6:48 am
Looks great! I look forward to seeing it in person.
October 1st, 2012 at 4:41 pm
The rock and fake stream were a mere $125. Such a deal! The kitchen, LR/DR, laundry room and loft are now painted. There are window coverings up and we have a refrigerator (something not included with the house.) Can’t wait to move in.