Fire hydrant
I’m pretty sure this picture has never graced these pages before. It’s Reader Number One working on his Eagle project, for which the court of honor is scheduled on the twenty-sixth of this month. Congratulations, Number One!
No posts yesterday or the day before, and barely time for one tonight. We just got home from the opera – well, from a dress rehearsal for the opera. It was very well done and the director didn’t have to stop the action at any point. There were a lot of school kids in the audience, so it was maybe a little noisier than the average opera, but we really enjoyed it. And the tickets were free. Rode the train down there, which was also enjoyable.
Our house went on the market today. We’re priced surprisingly high, but the real estate agent is pretty sure we’ll get our price or very close to it. We certainly need it. Maybe we can afford a shack in California, rather than the hovel I was expecting.
It’s way late, so I’m off to bed. Good night.