Flight crew

Here are Loyal Readers Numbers One, Two, and Three in a rare joint appearance as the flight crew of a 747. Picture taken at the Hiller Aviation Museum. Part of my famous Machinery series.

Wonders of Blogger. Friday was game day, and we were having too good of a time for me to blog. Sorry about that, Loyal Readers. And special thanks to LRN1 for noticing.

Loyal Readers Numbers Three and Fifteen went home today. Sob. We had a great visit with them and were very sorry to see them go. The good news is that LRN3’s job back at Fish and Game is a definite. He’s still working on either getting a second part-time job or converting what he has into full-time, but this is an excellent start at a job he’s very likely to enjoy as much as he did before.

Went to downtown San Francisco to see A Christmas Carol at the American Conservatory Theater. It was well done and we had a great time. The building itself was beautiful, which I always enjoy. The new TomTom guided us there and home flawlessly. It’s pretty cool – I knew all along that as soon as I got a modern GPS, I wouldn’t be able to live without it anymore. And I was right.

That’s all for now. We have friends coming over tonight, and preparations must be made. See you on Monday.

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