Halloween girl
Here’s LRN12 in her Snow White costume posing outside with the pumpkins. Great Art taken last night, using the exclusive iPhone-cam in very low light, as usual. I’m becoming famous for the low-light iPhone look, no? I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before. Part of my famous Statue series (for the pumpkins, of course – not LRN12).
By the way, LRN2 designed and carved that one on the right, and I carved the one on the left, based on a design by LRN4. True works of Great Art.
No posts for a few days. As LRN4 mentioned, I’ve been busy programming. Also lazy.
Things are fine, though. We had a nice Halloween weekend. LRN5 and LRN12 were here (LRN12 spent the week here!). The ward party was fun on Saturday night, and trick-or-treating was fun last night. We had our traditional excellent chili, also excellent cornbread (which kind of exploded inside the oven, but it was truly delicious anyway), and outstanding pumpkin pie.
Had our friends Art and Cathie over Saturday evening after the ward party. What a bunch of fun! We ate snacks and played a few games and general enjoyed each other’s company. We need to do that more often.
And the holiday season has begun. We’re now just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving, after which we’ll be just a few weeks away from Christmas, after which we’ll be just a week away from New Year’s Eve/Day, after which will be just a couple of days away from LRN2 going away to college. Wow. I don’t know what we’ll do all by ourselves. I’ll be truly sorry to see him leave. But he’ll have a great time at school and we’ll be just fine while we find out what we’ll do without him here. He still needs to be accepted to BYU before we’re really sure he’s going, but we hope and expect that to happen Real Soon Now.
I need to start working on my Christmas list. It’ll be a long one this year. I’m thinking of a Model T, an iPad, and maybe some new golf shoes. Need to refine it a bit, still.
And that’s about it, as it’s time for bed. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: station master monkey!
See you tomorrow.
November 3rd, 2010 at 12:01 pm
What about Mia’s bday on Nov 5?! The most important upcoming holiday ever!
November 3rd, 2010 at 8:44 pm
How could I leave the most important one out?