Daytime beach
Here’s a daytime look at the Santa Cruz beach and that old concrete ship. Great Art courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam and part of . . . umm . . . none of my famous series.
No post yet again yesterday. I was working on the iPhone app. But this time it was the church iPhone app. Got a fix done! You can now delete a photo. It’s all making sense to me now.
We got a letter from LRN1 today! Apparently, he bought a nice new planner with his birthday loot (along with a bit of a stash of candy) and it comes with a free brass nameplate. But it has to be ordered from and sent to an address in the good old USA. So he asked us to take care of that for him. Not much of a letter, I admit, but it was still nice to hear from him.
Not much else new. It’s gotten quite a bit cooler around Lardville. It was even cooler in Sunnyvale this morning, though. I heard there was a bit of frost on the pumpkin out there, although my car was only covered with dew – no ice yet. Still, it was very chilly.
On the other hand, it was sunny and pleasant most of the day. Can’t complain.
LRN12 is here for the week, as previously reported. She has spent the evening (and apparently much of the day) deeply engrossed in several episodes of Wonderpets. I’d say that show is a bit . . . predictable. That seems to be LRN4’s least favorite show, unfortunately. It appears to be pretty much all LRN12 wants to see these days. Just a little bit of friction around here today. But they’re having a great time. They went to the park today, which has to be LRN12’s favorite place, possibly even including the Costco hotdog stand. Also the Costco free sample carts.
And I want to get back to programming. I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this combination toilet news and exciting Morrowlife employment opportunity: porta-potty football player!
See you tomorrow
October 28th, 2010 at 5:07 pm
I deny any conflict.
October 31st, 2010 at 8:04 pm
I guess the iphone apps are taking priority over the blog. Can’t keep up with everything!