Hiking reader
Here’s Loyal Reader Number Two on our hike through the grove of big trees at Calaveras Big Trees State Park.
Wonders of Blogger, as you can probably guess, since the above picture was taken at the campout on Friday. We had a great time – the park was beautiful (respectable fall colors and spectacular Sequoias), the weather was great (warm and sunny during the day and chilly at night), the company was nice (we went with our friends the Crocketts), the trailer worked fine (the battery was a little weak that last morning, but that’s because the nearly empty propane bottle became the completely empty bottle sometime during the night and the fan ran non-stop for an undisclosed period of time), and the food was excellent (including a really great dutch oven dinner, taken from a crock pot recipe for French Dip). We may make that park a fall camping tradition. We may also make Big Sur a spring camping tradition. No summer camping traditions yet. We need to check out some new campgrounds too.
We have yet another new Loyal Reader! Let’s all give a hearty Morrowlife welcome to Erica, Loyal Reader Number Thirteen’s Loyal Spouse. She signed up during last week’s trip to Michigan (trip details coming Real Soon Now). Send us a picture, Loyal Reader Number Twenty-Five, and you’ll have your own Very Special Morrowlife Day. In the meantime, you can bask in the warm glow of seeing your name right over there on the right, on the actual internet!
Life is back to normal. See you on Monday.