Hill standing

Here are LRN1 and his old companion.  Standing on a hill.  Either that, or they’re sinking into it.  You be the judge.  Part of my famous Guatemala series.

Welcome to my newly-converted blog!  I’m off of Blogger and on to WordPress.  It’s a bit confusing still, but I think it’ll work out.  Eventually.  Stupid old Blogger decided to abandon the capability to publish blogs via FTP, so I moved my content over to blogspot.  But I never really liked it.  First of all, all my old pictures disappeared, so I had to move them over to Blogger’s photo hosting service.  One. At. A. Time.  Not much fun.  I got a bunch done, but nowhere near all of them.  I’m also just basically a computer snob – I want to host my website on my own hosting service.  WordPress allows me to do that.  So now I have to get it figured out.  This first post on the new system will go a long way towards that goal.  Or not.

So far, so good.  It looks like my newly-added pictures might end up being a bit differently-sized, but that’s not the end of the world.  Now I just need to get a template set up that looks like my old one.  Work, work, work.

Anyway.  Have a look and let me know what you think of the changes, recognizing, of course, that I’m trying to make it as similar to the old format as possible.

Otherwise, a quiet day.  I ordered new tires for the Miata, cleaned all the filters, added oil to the Miata (it was a quart low – yikes!), ate, spoke with LRN4 (she’s doing fine and is now in Las Vegas – thanks for asking), tried to visit a new home teaching family (I have no phone number, so I went over – they weren’t home), and . . . umm . . . did a few other things too.  I think it might not be too late for a bit of jacuzzifying.  But I’ll have to stop blogging right away.

So I will.  I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this important toilet news: talking musical toilet!

See you tomorrow.

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