Indoor lawn
Here’s the most beautiful indoor lawn I’ve ever seen. Great Art taken at Longwood Gardens, courtesy of the exclusive iPhone-cam, and part of my famous Event and Hiking series.
Well, it was sort of a hike. We went to this amazing place here in Pennsylvania called Longwood Gardens. It’s the old early-twentieth century estate of Pierre du Pont and it’s unbelievable. The grounds are exquisite and huge (over 200 acres), but the most amazing thing we saw was the conservatory. It’s an indoor garden featuring a total of 4 acres. It just goes on and on and on. The building itself is extremely ornate but beautiful and tasteful, and the gardens are just indescribable. So I won’t try anymore. Just go. We’re going back. We have to. We bought a year-long membership.
Been a nice few days. LRN3 was here from Monday to Monday. We had a very nice visit. He rode the train up from Quantico to Trenton and really enjoyed the ride. Went back this morning/afternoon and reports it was equally enjoyable on the way back down. Thursday, LRN3 and LRN15 are coming back for the long weekend. We’ll be celebrating LRN15’s upcoming birthday. Ought to be even more fun.
The Brewing Company app is coming along very nicely. We have a fully-functioning app at this point, with a few refinements needed to existing views. We still need to add contact information – both for the band and for us – as well as credits for open source code we’ve used. LRN1 is busily working on the Android version and is making good progress.
LRN4 got her previously-mentioned Android tablet the other day. It’s really cool! And it was dirt cheap. Could it be possible that my fanboy loyalties might change? Doubtful. But I’d like an Android tablet too.
I’ve been a big Arduino fan for quite a while, but I think I’ve found something even better – the [amazon asin=B007KW80M6&text=BeagleBone]! It’s a whole lot more powerful than an Arduino, it runs Linux, and it only costs about two to three times as much as an Arduino. Totally worth it. I’m pretty sure I’ll be ordering one in the next few days. Amazon has it, but I think I like Adafruit’s starter kit even more.
Work is busy and enjoyable. Life here in Pennsylvania is great. All’s well.
I’ll leave my Loyal Readers with this exciting Morrowlife Employment Agency job opportunity: adopted French gorilla!
See you tomorrow.
April 2nd, 2012 at 6:38 pm
Your picture is a model for our next yard. I think you should be the gardener at that one.
April 4th, 2012 at 6:00 pm
As long as I get to have it indoors, I’m all over it.
April 29th, 2012 at 1:14 pm
Beautiful conservatory! Wish I could live in a place like that!
November 28th, 2016 at 10:00 am
We are doing Hamlet at our school and were wondering if we could use this image for a projection? We didn’t want to take your photo without permission.
November 30th, 2016 at 4:14 pm
Permission granted!
November 30th, 2016 at 5:53 pm
Thank you SO much! I forgot to mention it is a beautiful photograph!